Chapter One: Someday?

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The long game, it was something Maya thought about a lot since they went on their field trip to the ski lodge. Josh had finally admitted he liked her. It was what she always wanted. Since that moment Josh and Maya had hung out a lot more. They decided to live their life and see where it would lead but it was pretty obvious that they only had eyes for each other.

Maya was now 17, a senior. Josh had decided for her first day that he would pick her up and take her out to dinner. This was normal for them hanging out alone but Josh felt like the long game should come to an end. He parked his car around the corner and Maya made a lie up about going out with her parents. Although they weren't really doing anything wrong Maya knew if Riley or Lucas had any idea how much they were around each other they wouldn't approve. Everyone believed they should wait until Maya had graduated, that somehow her leaving high school would mean she was ready for an adult relationship. Maya however disagreed.

She found her way to the car and quickly shut the door. Josh didn't miss a beat by kissing her on the cheek. This was one of the many things she loved.

"Hey gorgeous, do you want to go out for dinner or a movie night?" Josh asked.
"Well considering the day I had and how I look right now I will say movie night"
"Oh come on look at you I see nothing wrong with the way you look" Josh grabbed Maya's hand and kissed the back of it.

Maya had never been treated like this before. When she was with Josh she felt like the most important person in the world. He would always compliment her and have such deep meaningful conversations with her. If Maya was honest she couldn't wait for someday to happen.

They made their way to Josh's dorm and put on Netflix. Josh had learnt just to let Maya watch whatever she wanted. All that would happen was a short argument she would bat her eyelids and he would give in. He was so whipped. They laid down on his bed, Maya putting her head on his shoulder and snuggling in. It felt nice, it felt natural. Maya looked up at Josh and her pushed her hair out of her face. He stared at her lips. Oh how he wished he could actually kiss her. These looks happened often but one thing that was different this time was they both leant in.

The kiss was soft and sweet. Maya deepened it as they both sat up. She straddled his lap letting out a moan. They both knew it was wrong but they had been towing the line for so long.

"Maya we need to stop"
Maya got off him. Josh couldn't help but see the heartbroken look on her face.
"You don't want me do you?"
"Maya I have to stop myself from touching you every time we are together. I so badly want the long game to end but can you imagine our families. Cory and Shawn would kill me. Come to think of it dad would probably hurt me too"
Maya laughed.
"I love our families but I think they are wrong. I'm ready for this, we are ready for this"

Josh just stared at her. He knew exactly what he wanted.
"What if for a little while we date but without telling them. Especially Riley, she would blab to everyone"
"I really want this Josh"
"Well Maya Hunter will you be my girlfriend? "

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