Chapter Eleven: The party from hell

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Maya went straight to Josh's bed laying down with her head buried into his pillow. She could smell his scent on the pillow it was comforting. Josh was just standing the the doorway not really sure on what he should do. From what he could remember with them growing up he had never really seen Riley and Maya fight. Even though she had barely said a word since he picked her up he knew it had something to do with Riley.

"Maya what happened?"

"Was this someday thing like a joke to you? Do you actually want to be with me?"

Josh just looked at her in shock. "Babe I have been lying to my family for almost six months so we can be together. There is no way this is a joke to me, it never was"

"Riley thinks this someday thing was your way of letting me down easy"

"Maya I'm serious about being in this relationship. I love you, I think I always have. Riley doesn't know anything about us"

Maya propped herself up and kissed Josh. "I love you too Josh, now can we get something to eat I'm starving"

Josh and Maya went to the pizza place on campus. At this point Maya didn't care who saw her out with Josh. She had just had her first big fight with her best friend and he was doing everything to make her feel better. She was beginning to forgot about it that was until she received a text from Lucas. To some degree she was nervous about opening it. Of course he was going to be on Rileys side, he had been on her side ever since he moved to New York.

Lucas: Hey Maya, not too sure what happened between you and Riley but was wondering if you wanted to come to that college party tonight we had a bit of a disagreement so I cancelled our date"

What could be worse than spending a night out with your best friends boyfriend. At least one that you hadn't spoken to for hours. Other people would think a couple hours was nothing but this was Riley and Maya. 

Maya: Sure I will come, I will meet you there

"Josh do you think you can walk with me to the party tonight?"

"A party with college guys? Are you sure Maya I don't really like the sound of it"

Maya tried put on her best pout. "Please I won't be with college boys anyway, I will be with Lucas"

"Yeah cause that makes me feel better" Maya just rolled her eyes. "But I guess if you want to then I will walk down with you. I might come down too"

"Oh really? Well Seeing though Andrew is away again tonight maybe I might come back to the dorm with you"

"Hmm well lets get going then"

Maya had arrived at the party and she was quick to text Lucas. Josh decided it was probably for the best that he finds people he knows rather than hang out with them. Lucas was there not long after he was quick to ask about her fight with Riley.

"I don't know what to do anymore Maya, Riley has changed completely in the last few months. She isn't the girl I fell in love with"

"I have no idea what's going on but I really don't care at this point"

The night had gone on and Lucas had decided to get another drink for them. They were quite buzzed. Maya could handle her alcohol though. A guy came over and started speaking to Maya. All that was happening was a casual conversation and out of nowhere he pinned her against the wall and started to kiss her. Maya tried her best to push him off but instead he grabbed her arm and took her to the nearest room.

Lucas went back to where they were standing but Maya was nowhere to be seen. He wondered if she had gone to the bathroom and just forgot to tell him. After about 10 minutes he started to worry and then he ran into Josh.

"Hey Josh have you seen Maya?"

"No, where was she last time you saw her?"

Lucas took him into the other part of the house. On there way there he overheard a bunch of guys in his year talking about how they dared Ryan to hit on a hot blonde. Josh's blood started to boil. This hot blonde was his girlfriend and who knows what they planned on doing.

"Where did they go" Josh said. By the anger in his voice the other guys knew it was best if they told him. They pointed down the hall way.

Maya was pinned against the wall trying to fight off the guy when Josh and Lucas opened the door. Josh picked him up by the collar and pushed him against the wall. Maya quickly ran over to Lucas putting her shirt back on.

"What do you think your doing putting your hands on my girlfriend?"

"Girlfriend?" Lucas looked down at Maya.

Over a 1K views!! Thanks all for reading please continue to comment and tell me how you want this story to go..also started a one shot book!

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