Chapter Seventeen: I'm sleeping with your uncle

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They had walked through the door to hear that some of the whole family was up now, most of them outside. Luckily on the way home they both decided to hold Ellie's hand. Walking in Riley took her eyes away from the television to them walking through.

"You know it's quite sad that you keep going back to my uncle Maya when he clearly isn't interested"

"Alright Riley you made your point can we please not do this with her here" Josh said pointing to his other niece.

"Why I'm sure even at three she can see this weird infatuation she has with you. You do realise that he is only hanging out with you like this because you are the only female in the house that isn't related to him. He is desperate honey"

"Why are you even being like this Riley? For the past few months you have been a massive cow. I haven't done anything to you, neither has Lucas and you are treating him the same way"

"I'm being me. You are just jealous of the relationship I have with Lucas, you couldn't get a guy to love or sleep with you even if you tried"

Josh knew there was a breaking point in Maya, he also knew that eventually she would reach it and everything would come out. This was her breaking point.

"You aren't being you, you can't even realise how unhappy you have been and don't worry Riley I have got that covered"

"So what imaginary guy have you been with?"

"Your Uncle" Rileys face dropped. "Yeah that's right I have been with Josh for months. You didn't even realise how happy I was. It's been eight months and I wish I would have told you from the start so you could shut up about my apparent infatuation"

"You are kidding right? This someday thing is a joke and I know for a fact he will go somewhere else when you don't give him what he wants"

"No I'm not and don't worry your pretty little head because he is getting everything he wants right here. That's right I'm sleeping with your uncle as well" she yelled.

There it was. All boiled over. Josh wasn't sure what to say. It was even worse when he looked up and saw Shawn, Cory and Morgan watching the argument. Maya looked up and saw the look of anger on her dads face. She couldn't face that right now so instead she ran up stairs and slammed the door behind her.

"I'll go make sure she's okay" Morgan said a few minutes later. She knew her brother and Shawn were going to start their own argument with Josh and she didn't really want to be there for that. Josh was a bit worried about how bad this fight was going to be.

Morgan knocked on the door. "Maya honey are you okay?"

"I can't believe I just did that. We've been together for months and I just blurt it out like that. Right in front Dad and Cory"

"They will get over it Maya. As long as the two of you are happy they will back off eventually"

"As long as my boyfriend is still living I did just leave him down there when an argument was clearly going to start. Josh is going to be so angry with me"

"He loves you Maya everything is going to be okay"

"I don't feel well I'm going to lay down. Can you send Josh up here if they don't kill him first"

Morgan laughed. "Of course Maya, I will try and calm down the situation downstairs. When your mom and my mom get back from shopping I will send her up too"

While they were having that conversation upstairs a very angry Shawn was having words with Josh.

"Did I just hear my daughter right, that you and her are dating? I don't even want to discuss the other part of it"

"Yeah we are, we knew you would all react like this, we knew that this was going to happen"

"Alright I'm going for a drive right now before I say something to one of you that I can't take back"

Shawn had left. Much to Josh's surprise he baby hit him. He had never seen him that angry and Cory wasn't far behind. Morgan went over to him and told him to go and see Maya. He got to the door and could hear her crying. He walked through the door and laid down next to her.

"I'm sorry"

"Maya its fine she was pushing you. Shawn and Cory went out. I don't think they are happy but I don't really care. Morgan said you didn't feel well are you okay?"

"I just feel a little sick. I will be fine. Can you please just lay here with me"

"Of course Maya" he pushed her hairs out of her face and wiped some of the tears off of her face. "I love you Maya"

"I love you too"

A/N: and it's out..well sort of. Katy is still to find out..hope you are enjoying this so far. Next chapter will have something that is a little more of sensitive subject in it. Don't worry Riley and Maya will sort out their differences.

My new book Gorgeous first chapter will be put up soon, hope you all like that one. Heads up if you are a Lucas/Riley fan you may not like how they are portrayed in the book.

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