Chapter 12: Shocking & Sweet

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They tied me on the chair and I felt awful. The lights went on, I know because my blindfold doesn't seem so dark anymore.

I hear giggling and chattering and I was feeling confused.

They untied me from the chair and I was still holding the three roses.

After a few minutes of being blindfolded they finally decided to take it off.


"H-huh? What's going on?" I asked.

I saw my best friends Jane Woods, Karen Johnson and Tina Reyes, each holding an illustration board.

"WE!" Jane shouted while revealing the back of the illustration board with the words 'WE' written in pink,

"LOVE!" Karen shouted while revealing the picture of a pink heart on the illustration board,

"YOU!" Tina shouted while revealing the letter 'U' written in pink on the illustration board.

I was so touched and hugged them tightly.

"Aw, I love you too guys! But why are you doing all this? Is today our friendship anniversary or something?" I asked them.

There was a wave of silence and they both looked at each other with doubt in their eyes,

"You.. really don't know?" they asked.

"I'm afraid not." I puzzly answered.


I heard another voice from the background.

"It's not over yet!" Jane smiled.

A waiter wearing a white polo shirt, black vest and bow tie pushed a cart full of all my favorite foods including the aglio olio pasta. There were all sorts of sweet things and a big chocolate fountain at the center of the cart. What's next? The excitement and thrill is driving me crazy!

"Help yourself." The waiter requested.

I wanted to.. but I was too caught up with the happenings that I popped a piece of truffle in my mouth and didn't touch anything else. The lights dimmed and my three best friends sang a birthday song.

At the end of the last line, Louise was walking handsomely in his tuxedo holding a boquet that consists of 15 stems of the same rose I received from earlier.

He looks so dashing that I didn't notice the drool that was falling out of my mouth.

"Tsk, gross." he commented and took out his handkerchief and wiped off the saliva on my chin.

"You're so unladylike." he continued then gave me the bouquet.

"Thank you." I flushed.

I gave him the ice cream that I bought and greeted him a 'Happy Birthday'.

"It's his birthday! Not mine, but thanks for the heartwarming surprise." I shouted.

"*sigh* You're really an idiot, aren't you? Everything is planned for you, you know." Louise laughed.

me: "You mean the car.."

Louise: "The car is fine."

me: "The text.."

Louise: "I told Jane to do it."

me: "The weird stranger that gave me the rose?"

Louise: "You couldn't be so dumb to not recognize your own mom dressed in boy clothes."

me: "Hey, it's dark you know."

He laughed then I asked again,

"but why..?"

"Are you really that stupid or are you acting stupid!? We share the same birthday you know." he said sounding a bit annoyed.

"Oh.. yeah." I suddenly remembered.

"You really are an idiot, remembering my birthday and forgetting yours." he replied while looking at me in a weird way.

"That's so sweet remembering his birthday and forgetting yours." Tina interrupted.

I kind of sound stupid when Tina says it like that. My best friends were the only ones who knew about my real relationship with Louise. We went home and were welcomed by our parents, they made fun of him for wearing such an outrageous attire. Both of our birthdays ended and I feel really happy. The celebration isn't grand but it's more than I could imagine it would be.

Especially the part that Louise kind of organized it with my friends.

It's really sweet and I can't help but fall for him more.

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