Chapter 15: My Real Knight in Shining Armor

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Sure enough, it wasn't just a bad dream.

All of it is real, I got up and did my daily routine,

Opened and read my devotion for today for some quick inspiration and went to look for the pamphlet of my lines.

Where is it!?

"Oh my, I can't find it." I said smiling,

Probably the pamphlet flew to someone else. This must be a blessing, I chuckled.

I went to check on Louise to wake him up, that's part of my job and I'm used to it.

He's still sleeping like a baby and I tugged his arm and shouted,

"Louise! Wake up!"

"Be quiet." he answered,

He pulled me in then pushed me on his bed, I'm facing him and I was flushing all red,

"Louise.. get off me.." I softly demanded,

Although, I sort of want him to stay. He hugged me and whispered,

"Don't do the play..."

"Could.. you stop hugging me..?" I begged.

"Don't do the kissing scene." he replied then unfolded his arms that were hugging me, he rolled off the bed and went straight to the bathroom.

I saw my practice pamphlet on top of his bed and quickly took it. Maybe he saw all those lines I'm going to deliver. Those.. embarrassing, shameful lines.. of all people, Louise saw it.

It's the day of the play and Louise is not talking to me; The trip to school was frustrating and silent at the same time. It's the first time we walked separate ways and I'm not happy about it. Tears are welling up in my eyes and I wiped it off quickly when I saw Gary coming this way,

"Hi." he greeted with a smile.

"Hello." I answered.

"You ready?" he asked.

I nodded my head and we talked with each other and reached the stage for the last rehearsal. The crew members were helping me fit my princessy gown and I was having a hard time walking on this very heavy puffy skirt.

The dress looks amazing but I don't feel that excitement I feel when I'm with Louise.

Gary is wearing a prince-like suit, just like the ones princes in England would wear.

"My lady, you look so beautiful." Gary commented,

I twirled around my dress and curtsied,

"Why you too, your highness." I laughed.

His shoes were too big for him that's why it's kind of funny,

Aunt Caroline is fixing my make-up then she shrieked,

"Eep! I'm so excited to see the play."

"I'm not." I whispered to myself.

My parents and Louise's parents are there looking excited, so are the other cast members that we're about to perform. I really don't want to kiss Gary. I hope an accident might happen or the time of rapture will occur when he's about to kiss me, you know.. to stop the play.

Okay, right now I sound evil. It's already eight thirty in the morning and I peeped through the performance curtains and most of the seats are already filled.

I'm so nervous that my heart is going to sink when there's a gentle tap on my shoulder,

"It's alright, I'm nervous too." Gary smiled.

His hands were sweating and he's sweating as well.

That made me feel better. I guess Gary is nice.

The play started and it went smoothly,

All the cast members delivered their lines perfectly and fluently.

Then it's the time for the kiss..

It's the time where sleeping beauty (me) is going to be awaken by Gary's kiss. My eyes are closed and I can feel Gary's lips close to mine.

"Here goes nothing." He whispered.

Then there was a sudden crash, the lights went out, I know because the people were buzzing noisily.

I, still as ever, still with my eyes closed, is waiting for the kiss and the play to end.

"Oh, the lights went back. Must be a suspense scene." The audience chattered.

This is it! The moment I'll be losing my first kiss,

I felt a soft touch on my lips and I peeped on one of my eyes.

I saw Louise.

He's wearing the same clothes as Gary's and he's holding my mouth,

So in short, he is kissing his own hand and leaning to the side so it would look like he was really kissing me.

The crowd cheered and the curtains closed.

"Idiot, you're as red as a tomato." he said then walked away.

I was speechless, but I'm quite happy he saved me from Gary's kiss.

I guess my lips are really meant for Louise I chuckled.

I was glad because my first kiss wasn't wasted on someone I don't love.

Our parents were teasing Louise as we got home for interrupting such a romantic scene.

"Why did you do that?" aunt Caroline asked.

"Well, she doesn't love that person, I pitied her idiocy so I went in and shoved Gary away from the stage." Louise bluntly replied.

"Does that mean Kris likes you?" aunt Caroline exclaimed.

I was blushing at that moment and I wanted to tell her Louise didn't kiss me at all but whatever,

He's not saying anything anyway so I also kept quiet.

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