Chapter 22: He left me

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I woke up the next morning and it's the start of summer vacation.

I displayed the tulips in my room and it looks beautiful when the sun reflected on it.

I brushed my teeth and went downstairs to brew some coffee.

Mom, dad, aunt Caroline and uncle Nicholae altogether sat on the living room sofas looking as if they're doing something serious and important.

"What's going on?" I asked.

They looked at me as if I'm a ghost.

All of them gasped and they look like they're grieving.

I see the papers they're holding and I don't think it's a good sign.

"I think we should tell her." aunt Caroline said while wiping the tears in her eyes,

My mom stood up to me then held my shoulders with her two hands,

"This is not good news but you gotta promise me you're not going to cry."

"Why would I cry!? Where's Louise?" I asked.

All of a sudden, aunt Caroline and uncle Nicholae burst into tears.

Crying like small children.

My mom and my dad are comforting them and wiping their tears.

My mom acted all tough and faced me,

"We already signed Kris. There's no turning back now."

"What sign? What are you all talking about?" I asked asking all of them.

"We.. decided to cut the string." mom cried,

"W-Why..?" I asked,

Tears are rolling down my cheeks and my heart ached.

"Kris.." mom comforted,

"Does Louise know all about this?" I cried.

"He's... the one who decided to cut all ties with you and your family." uncle Nicholae answered.

"Where is he!? I'm going to beat the hell out of him!" I shouted, I wiped my tears but it kept flowing.

Nobody responded so I asked again,

"Where is he!?!"

"Kris..." aunt Caroline tried to stop my tears with her handkerchief,

"Answer me!" I cried out loudly.

"He... left." mom gulped.

"What...?" I said in shock.

"He went to Earth to study there." uncle Nicholae answered.

"Look Kris.." my mom hugged me then I said,

"I gotta go."

"Where?" They all asked.

"I know I shouldn't care anymore because the string is cut but I've gotta tell him something." I replied.

I quickly ran out of the house, still in my PJ's and hailed a flying cab.

"To the airport please. Quick." I said, brushing my hair and wiping my tears.

Dear God,

I hope he is safe right now,

I hope I can catch up with him.

If I don't...

Just please guide him always.


I got off the cab and quickly ran to the entrance,

I ran and ran.. as fast as I could.

Where is he!?

--FLIGHT 589 going to Earth, now boarding.--

Wait, don't! I ran to the terminal number as fast as I could.

I don't care anymore if people see me in my pajamas,

I don't care anymore.

I need him,

I love him.

I went to the boarding dock and I was too late,

The plane flew and I watched it rise up and up and up--

I was too late.

I can't believe it,

I didn't get the chance to tell him how I felt.


Why didn't he tell me he was leaving!?

I sat on one of the chairs and stared at the windows,

I'm not feeling myself and my tears kept falling and falling and falling.

"Here." A voice from behind offered a handkerchief.

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