Chapter 16

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Melody stared into the stranger's deep hazel green eyes as he viewed hers as well. There for a while the room stood still. She has done this trust thing so many times. To give her heart out, to only get it back in a million shattered pieces. In fact, it had been three years ago was the last time she allowed a guy in. After he betrayed her, she encased her heart in solid concrete. Why did guys have to play games? How would they feel if they were done the same way?! What makes this man any different? True, Dean was older and wiser than those so called 'boys,' she'd fallen for. However, there was something about Dean that Melody couldn't put her finger on.

All of the sudden, she glanced down at his hand touching hers and for some reason, Melody felt safe. For a long time, she hadn't felt like this. Instantly, her cheeks glowed red.

Dean noticed her sudden facial change of color. At that moment, a strange feeling came across him, that he was safe with this woman. When he touched her hand, he had a need for her and for once it wasn't for sex, either. He wondered what it was. Dean shrugged and decreed to enjoy the opportunity.

"So, how about you and I leave here and forget all our troubles?" Dean suggested.

"Dean, I can't! I'm kind of busy!" Melody expressed and saw his bewildered presence. She added, "Dean, I'm working! Duh, silly! Besides, I have no clue who you are!"

"There's a way to fix that," Dean riposted.

"Uh-huh, I hear you!" Melody stated, as she continued to wipe off the counter.

"Come on! Live a little!" Dean pleaded.

"Dean, I don't know- The last time I- "Melody exhibited, but broke off her sentence.

"You still think I'm one of those heartless bastards that will hurt you?" Dean challenged.

"Honestly, I do! Sorry!" Melody revealed, in a soft whisper.

"Look, we both aren't ready for a relationship, right? I perceived that you don't want to go down that road, right now? Just a night out of fun is what you want, right?" Dean questioned.

"Yeah, I guess. But-"

"That's all I ask. I tell you what, if I turn out to be a prick. I will buy rounds for everyone at your next shift. What do you say?" Dean proclaimed.

Melody sighed. "The place does need some work done. I'll do it! I get off in a few hours. Can you keep it in your pants that long?" Melody retorted, pleasantry.

Dean chuckled. "Sure, can! Beer please?" Dean pressed.

Melody reached him another beer. Dean positioned the money on the tabletop. From there on, he extracted his phone and steered away from the pub to make a call.

'What the hell was she thinking? Dean Winchester is a HUNTER! A quester that rids the supernatural, like herself. If he ever finds out her true identity, there would be no mercy, not from Dean Winchester!' Melody speculated.

Melody leered in a mirror; a petite woman glazed back at her in a perplexed expression. She acknowledged that in their human dress they appeared differently. Hopefully, he won't discover her secret. Besides, it's only one night out with him. What would it hurt? If he only knew. A smile crossed her lips at that fact.

Abruptly, Melody got distracted by her two co-workers who brought up the alcohol from the basement. Like usual, they were fussing. Promptly, they were in front of her, and Willow had cleared her throat to get Melody's attention.

"Melody, is there something you want to tell us?" Fancy requested.

"No, why?" Melody answered, befuddled.

"Well, let's see. You were talking to a "certain guy." Willow alleged, as her focus veered to where Dean was seated before.

"Oh, him! He just wanted a few more beer-beers." Melody affirmed, as she corrected herself.

"Be careful, Mel! There's a reason why they are top coveters!" Willow asserted.

"Oh, I am and I understand!" Melody attested, seriously.

Thereafter, she interposed. "I've decided to leave early tonight. If that's okay?"

"You're kidding? What's the big rush?" Fancy urged.

"Have you looked around Fancy? There is hardly nobody here, but us and the passed-out drunks!" Melody pointed out and inserted. "If I walk around a bit to clear my mind. Maybe for once, I will be able to sleep all night."

"Well...Okay. Melody, but please be careful! We haven't discovered what they are up to?!" Fancy mentioned.

Melody and the girls started to clean up the area. Directly, Willow and Fancy returned back to the basement.

'I hate to lie to them, but one night won't hurt. Yeah, I distinguished where this might lead to, but I don't care. As long as he doesn't identify who I truly am,' Melody contemplated.

The bell on the door jingled. It was Dean coming back in and after spotting Melody. He strode towards her and asked.

"So, are you still working?"

"Just finishing up." Melody responded, while she put the broom back into the corner.

"Who were the other two women that brought up the beer when I left?" Dean beseeched.

"My cousins; Willow and Fancy." Melody relayed.

In further action, she yelled the following down the bottom basement steps. "I'm heading out!"

"Okay." Willow shouted back up to Melody.

"Your cousins?! Odd!" Dean commented.

"Odd? How about when you and your brother come to a bar together!? No, that's not odd at all!?" Melody verbalized, sarcastically and giggled.

"I guess that could be-Wait! How did you figure out he was my brother?" Dean quizzed.

"I could tell how you two interacted with one another. I gathered you two were close as brothers, but then I realized you two resemble each other in some aspects. And...Let's just say...I have a brother, too." Melody implied, with confirmation.


By this time, Melody and Dean had ventured outside. They were adjacent to the '67 Chevy Impala.

"The sight of this car never gets old!" Melody mumbled.

"What?" Dean queried.

"Beautiful car!" Melody put forward.

"Ain't she though! I call her, baby!" Dean said and opened her door first.

"Thank you!" Melody replied, as she got into the car. Dean shut the door. Lastly, he went to his side and got it.

"I bet those other jerks didn't do that! Did they?" Dean exhorted, in a jest. As he turned the key and the engine roared to life.

"Actually, they didn't!" Melody confessed, sadly.

Dean wheeled to Melody and had a shocked demeanor. Followed by him putting the car in gear and routed down the road.

The silence aggravated Dean, so he finally posited.

"Say... Why do you keep working at a site that brings you down?"

"Why do you hunt what you can't explain, and not think some things are good?" Melody grumbled.

"What was that?" Dean inquired, confused.

"Nothing! The venue was abandoned. We took charge and cleaned it up, painted and made it something. It's kinda like a second home to us. If that makes any sense? It pays the bills- And...Yeah...So...What about you?" Melody disclosed.

"Yeah. I get that. My brother and I are private investigators, and we are just passing through." Dean conveyed, as he understood exactly what she meant.

"Ah, okay." Melody cited.

'Investigators my ass, more like lurkers trying to kill us! Oh, why did I have to come?' Melody mentated.

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