Chapter 19

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"YOU AGAIN!" The two declared in unison with annoyance.

'It was so nice to hear his voice. Even though he was angry,' Melody mentated.

'What the hell was she doing here? I have better things to do, than argue with a stubborn woman! Like find Melody,' Dean scrutinized.

Before he realized it, the following words were verbalized.

"What are you doing here?"

Mystic peered straight at him and imparted.

"Well, the monster is calling for me. Is it not?"

"What? You're Mystic?!" Dean requested.

"That, I am," Mystic stated.

Dean stood there and nodded. He knew she was trouble. He will deal with her later. First, he had to take care of something.

'Oh, Dean! How I want to scream it's me and I've fallen for you. I'm so sorry that I ran out on you. You wouldn't have liked the truth. I wish it wasn't banned! As long as he doesn't acknowledge it, then we should be safe, for now. I don't want to break his heart. Despite that, I must because- It can't be!' Mystic thought, gloomily.

"No, it can't be!" Cas cited, as he showed up unexpectedly. "I take it, you're a witch-warrior?!"

"What can't be? How did you distinguish this?" Dean questioned.

"Not the kind you're thinking of Dean! Dean, you might want to stay away from her!" Cas announced, as he faced Mystic and spoke the words.

"Mystic, you can't do it! It still is banned! You just need to move on and forget this person!"

"Castiel, PLEASE!" Mystic pleaded, as she was afraid that he would spill the secret.

"MYSTIC!" Windamtic and Fireic yelled to get their teammate's attention.

In seconds, she was gone and leaving Dean speechless. Sam had appeared with a befuddled expression, as he walked towards them and noticed something had occurred.

"What did I miss?" Sam quizzed.

Dean and Cas filled him in on what just transpired.

"I detected who we are dealing with. The three witch warriors are Fireic, Windamtic and Mystic. These witches are like you two."

"How? What?" Sam and Dean both catechized.

"They fight the supernatural-even if it's other witches like themselves," Cas answered.

"Oh!" Sam and Dean blurted together and gave the other the 'stop that' demeanor.

"Hey, Cas- what did you mean by the forbidden part? What did that have to deal with Mystic?" Dean challenged.

"A witch is prohibited from falling in love with an angel," Cas mentioned.

"Wait! What and who?" Sam beseeched.

"It was banned years ago. They can't even fall in love with their vessels either. Doesn't matter if the vessel has, or will be used, this still applies. If that happens...The result is death!"

"That sucks!" Dean replied and added. How did you perceive she loves an angel, or a vessel of one?"

"She would agree with you that it sucks! Given that I am an angel, Dean. I can sense it," Cas proclaimed.

"Cas, do you know who she's in love with?" Sam implored.

"Yes. Though, I can't tell you who it is. I can say that it is someone very close."

"Cas, you need to tell us who the guy is?" Dean probed.

"That's only for her to tell." Cas reported, secretly.

The Warriors, which were back to their normal disguises, were back at the bar, Smoke House. They were seated at a table and had enjoyed a nice meal.

"I am going to have to tell them!" Melody asserted, seriously.

"Wait! Melody what if-" Willow posed, but was interrupted.

"One of them has already discovered it! I'm not sure if I can keep this up?! Maybe I should come clean with them," Melody commented.

"I don't like it! What if they consider you a threat and-" Fancy ceased and shook her head.

Fancy didn't want to even contemplate the loss of her cousin. She apprehends how Melody is. She wouldn't fight him! No matter how much he hated their kind.

"I'll be fine. Trust me!" Melody riposted, as she grabbed her cousin's hands and gave a small squeeze.

They nodded at her and Melody knew that this was just the beginning.

Meanwhile, at Darien's apartment.

"I will not allow it!" Darien disclosed, crossed.

"DARIEN! It's her life she can love whoever she wants to. Besides, you- yourself can't end it!" Serena advised.

"Serena, if it wasn't a predator that she fell for, things might be different! This hunter wants to destroy her and her- our cousins!" Darien revealed.

"Just believe in your sister! I do!" Serena positioned and implied sweetly. "She has come across lurkers before and dealt with them. She's a grown woman, I think she can take care of herself."

"You sound like her sister!" Darien exhibited.

"I will be soon. At least I'm giving this a chance!"

"Serena, I'm sorry... It's just...It's the tracker that I don't depend on. He could manipulate and thereafter kill her!" Darien expressed, worrisome.

"Trick her into doing what?" Serena inquisitioned.

"I'm not sure. Just call it a gut feeling. Anyways...There's important things to discuss." Darien put forth, as he changed the topic at hand.

"Yes, like the wedding!" Serena vocalized.

"All right, let's discuss the wedding." Darien relayed, drowsy.

Hours passed and the couple had decided on everything, except the location.

"What about having the reception at the Smoke-House?" Serena urged.

"You want to have the reception at a bar?" Darien pressed, perplexed.

"Yes, and it's just not some bar! Remember, she said it was also used for celebrations?"

"Yeah, I remember...How are you going to-?" Darien inquired, in contrast he was halted.

Serena had placed two small fingers up to her lips and made a "Shh" sound. Darien observed as she punched in numbers into her cellphone, on the other hand was the card that Fancy gave her.

"Hello, is this Fancy?" Serena asked and proceeded to speak into the mouthpiece.

"I'm Fine...Yes...No, there's no attack at the moment...Um... I was needing to ask you when if the bar is free for a reception? Yeah, we settled that...Uh, Huh...That's perfect...Thanks...You too... Bye!"

"It's all taken care of. We are all set!" Serena contended, merry as she positioned her mobile and the card on the nightstand.

"Not completely, Sere," Darien responded.

Serena looked up at Darien in a confused way.

Darien continued with.

"We do need to tell your parents everything!"

She sighed and uttered, "GREAT!" When is an intrusion when you need it?"

"Come on, Sere!" Darien alleged.

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