You Took My Hand And We Both Started Running

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Marilyn's P.O.V

Sometimes I don't know why I bother. One minute I'm on top if the world and the next I come crashing down because someone said something I didn't like. But I'm just like that. That's how I am. My sister pulled me out of my thoughts as she shut the door and had bags in her hands as she set them on the island counter.

"What'd you get?" I asked

"Oh just some more film and some hair dye. I need to dye it again because its fading. Oh and I got us stuff for dinner" she said as she started unpacking and putting things away.

"Hey I'm going to go get ready for work" I said as I jumped down from the counter and made my way to my room.

Huh what to wear what to wear. I decided on a red cropped sweater with two white stripes towards the end of the sleeves. I put on some ripped denim shorts and my ankle high black converse. I put a black beanie on and put my glasses and my wallet in my black cross body and grabbed my keys. I was gonna be late so I'll just put my makeup on it the car.

I kissed my sister on the cheek and said bye as I ran to my car. I grabbed my phone outta my back pocket and texted one of my co workers that I'm on my way.

I plugged my phone in and turned on Bones Exposed by Of Mice And Men as I pulled out of my parking lot of the apartment complex I live in and started making my way to work as I put on my foundation and some mascara. I couldn't go all out today. I was already almost late.

I made it as I got out and ran inside and went to my station an got set up. I took a breath and realized that no one was in here yet. Man.

"No need to hurry. He won't be here for five more minutes" one of my co workers, Maxwell, said to me.

"I know I just hate being late" I said as I pulled out my sketches. I don't really know who I'm going to be doing.

"Looks like he is here" he nudged me and I smiled a little before getting everything set up. I only talked to him on the phone so I've never met him in person.

A swift little ginger came and sat down in the chair as if he owned the place and I laughed a little.

"You must be Mr. Ashby I assume" I questioned as I was getting everything ready to show him.

"That's me my dear" he said dramatically and I laughed at him a bit.

I showed him what I came up with and he loved it so I got to work. When I was done I was very proud of myself.

"This is incredible! You so need to meet the guys! They would love to see your work!" He said and I blushed a little from the compliment.

"I'd love too" I said and he pulled out his phone and gave me his number. He called someone and sure enough the Austin Carlile walks through the door and comes and looks at his new tattoo.

"Dude this is sick! Who did this" he asked and Alan pointed to me. Yes I know that's Alan Ashby. My sister and me are fans but I don't feel the need to go all fan girl on them. I raised my hand and lowered my head a little to try and hide my red face.

"You are so talented I swear!" Austin said and he seemed stunned by my work.

"If you guys are that surprised you can come over to my apartment and check out some of my other work. I get off in about 7 hours from now. Sound cool?" I asked and they nodded and waved bye.

The next 7 hours went by in a blur. It was time for me to go and I remembered that I had to pick Aaron up from school so I got in my car and headed that way. She didn't look happy with me as she slammed the car door shut when she got in. I was worried because last time this happened she got in a fight at school and got suspended. It was silent until we got to my apartment complex and I got out to unlock the door and she stormed in her room and slammed the door shut. I rolled my eyes and just let her be. There was a knock at the door as I was turning the tv on. I opened it and Alan and Austin came in, both giving me hugs along the way.

"Hey guys! I didn't think you would actually come" I said and laughed a little.

"Of course we would" Alan said and sat down on the couch with Austin following behind him.

I went to go get my work and I returned with a sketch book and portfolio for them to look though. Without my sisters knowledge I grabbed her photo portfolio too. She is super talented and is going to get noticed weather she likes it or not. I set it down on the coffee table and sat beside Alan as I let them rummage through. There eyes went wide as they scanned there eyes over mine and my sisters work.

"Hey I actually know a band who needs a photographer and another band is going to need a tattoo artist" Austin trailed off as he was looking at my sister's work. It clicked.

"Hey can you get your sister please" Austin said and smiled and my heart melted.

I opened her door and took one of her earbuds out and smiled so big my cheeks could have cracked in half.

"What man. Why are you smiling so big?" she questioned and I just dragged her to the living room and she stopped for a minute before hiding behind me.

"You didn't tell me it was Alan Ashby and Austin Carlile" She whispered at me rather angrily.

"She is a shy fan" I laughed and she punched my back and I shoved her from behind out to where she was facing both boys with her blue half getting in her face a little. I laughed as she got really quiet when Austin told her that her photos were amazing and she blushed so hard and said thank you. Then he brought up tour and I don't know why but it was going to eat at me now.

"Well t-thank you s-so much Austin and Alan" she said and they both hugged her. It was sweet.

"Hey sis what happened at school today?" I asked as I remembered why she was so mad today.

"Just stupid girls who think they are better than me. I don't sit with Amber anymore and because some of her friends sit with me now, she can't stand me and I think it's stupid! I did nothing to her! I sat there by myself out of pure choice and they just decided to follow me. On top of that some jock ran into me and put his dirty foot prints on my photos and Amber was there with him and ripped up my photos and flushed them down the toilet" she finished and Alan went over to give her a hug.

"So I am actually going to get on the phone real quick. I'll be right back "Austin said as he disappeared outside.

Hey guys!!!! I decided to write a new story!!! This time its going to feature other bands!!!!!!!! XDXDXD I hope you guys enjoy it!!! Song title credit goes to pierce the veils sing circles.

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