Come As You Are

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I hear beeping noises. Steady beeping. But I can't put my finger on what it is. I hear them talking. A lot of talking and shouting too.

"This is your fault you inconsiderate dick" a female voice said. She sounded very very angry too. Why though?

"If your dumbass wouldn't have texted her then we wouldn't be in this mess and she wouldn't be in a coma" a deep male voice shouted back just as angrily. I was so confused. I tried to speak but nothing came out. Tried to open my eyes but they wouldn't budge. What is going on?

"Diana and Alan calm down. This isn't anybody's fault but the other driver. He should have watched where he was going. Now the doctor is gonna come in here soon to let us know our options" another male voice spoke through. Huh that's weird.

"Hello. I'm doctor Sykes. Now we have some options but it doesn't look so good. She is holding on but by a very thin thread. IIts already been six months. I don't know how much longer she will be able to hold on. Your options are you can take her off of life support or you can leave her on it for a little while longer. I'm sorry for the bad news" I'm assuming the docotr said and a door shut.

"I don't think it's a good idea to keep her on life support for very much longer" maybe Austin said.  
"No. No we're gonna keep her on it until she wakes up" Alan said. At least I thought that was him.

"If she wakes-"

"She's gonna wake up okay? I know she is. Just give her time" Alan said.

"Alan that's all we've been doing for the past six months. She wouldnt want to suffer like this.

I tried to tell them to stop fighting but nothing came out. I tried to move but nothing happened.

"I'm with Alan. We're leaving her on life support. I know my sister and shes not gonna give up" Aaron said.

I tried to open my eyes with everything I had and it worked. I could see. I looked around and tried to move my hands and that worked too. I sat up slowly and tried to speak but my mouth was so dry I couldn't talk due to a breathing tube that was shoved down my throat. I panicked and started chocking on it.

"Get a doctor" Austin yelled and Aaron went to get one. Soon a nurse came in and removed the tube. They gave me some water and then checked my vitals and all of that. When they were finally done I looked around the room and there were a lot of people. Everyone in of mice and pierce were here. My babies were here with Alan.

"It'd be nice if someone told me what was going on and why I'm in so much pain" I joked. They all huddled around me and started telling me what happened and crazy tour stories and how sorry they are. Once everyone left it was just me and Aaron and Alan and Austin and my babies.

"How long was I out" I asked.

"Six months" Austin replied and I was taken aback. I was out for six months. I missed out on my babies. I missed out on everything. My little girls have grown so much and I missed it all.

Tears involuntarily started forming hin my eyes and this time I couldn't help but let them fall. I missed out on so much because of some inconsiderate asshole who hit me.

"Hey come here it's okay" he cooed and hugged me tight. I wrapped my arms around his torso and cried and cried. I didn't care who was in the room. I didn't care if anyone heard me. I really didn't.

"Can I be alone with Austin for a minute please" I pleaded and Alan and Aaron nodded their heads and left us alone. I pulled away and looked at him.

"Why is there so many tubes and why can't I move my legs" I asked and was freaking out and Austin put his hands on my face and told me it was gonna be okay.

"Well you have a punctured lung, a broken arm, slight brain damage, and your paralyzed from the waist down. The doctor said that with lots of therapy you may be able to walk again but it's a very slim chance. I'm so sorry" he said and kissed my cheek.

What do I do now. I can't use my legs. I'm paralyzed now. I'll never be able to walk again. Tears flew freely from my eyes and I was so ready to leave this hell hole. I don't know what to do. For the first time in my life I don't know what to do. How do I live with this knowing I can't walk again. I'm gonna have to be wheeled around now.

"How am I supposed to live with this Austin. I may never walk  again" I stated and he gave me a sympathetic look and squeezed my hand for comfort. I smiled a little bit.

"Hey we will get through this. You will go to therapy and all that stuff. I'll be here to help you through this. I promise" Austin said with a sad promising smile.

From then on I knew it was going to be one hell of a ride. But I was ready to buckle up.

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