Keep Looking Down On Me I Am More Than You'll Ever Be

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Warped is almost over and I'm kind of sad but I'm also kind of happy. I can go back to the shop and everything is going to be alright. At least I hope it is because here lately it just seems like my life keeps fucking me over. Everything with my sister is going great. She is going to tour with Pierce The Veil on their next tour too and her and Tony are talking about getting a place together. I'm glad she is finally happy. I'm doing okay though. I've finally got my shit together with the help of my friends here on warped. Alan and I don't talk anymore unless we are in each others way. It's sad really, I love him and I do miss him but I just don't know.

"Thinking" Austin said as he joined me in the back lounge. The light was on but that was it. I didn't wanna do anything but think. I have got to figure it out. I sighed as I laid on the couch with my face buried in it. "This sucks" I mumbled into the couch. Austin poked my side and I jumped and fell off of the couch. I looked up at him and flipped him off. "Fine, see how you like it" I said as I pulled his arm and he fell on the ground too. We laughed on the ground for awhile before Phil came in and gave us a questioning look. "Austin made me fall so I made hum fall and now we are laughing for no reason" I said as I sat up and looked at him. He chuckled and sat on the couch and fired up the Xbox. I got up and checked my phone. I got a text from an unknown number.

Unknown Number: Hey there miss thang! Miss me yet because I sure miss you. So so much. Remember all the good times we had together? I sure do! If you want to find out who this is then meet me behind the Of Mice and Men bus now. Come alone.

Who in the hell has my number and why are they threatening me. I'm gonna go see who this is. I told Austin I would be back and I walked out of the bus and behind it only to see one of my friends making out with Alan. When he saw me he didn't stop. He just kept going and going. I turned around and walked right back in the bus and back to the back lounge. "He was making out with one of my old friends. He knew I was there. He stared at me the whole time I was there. He didn't give a shit. He never has" I spilled out as I started crying. Austin and Phil hugged me and told me it was going to be alright. That he was just being a dumb ass. I wanted to believe them because I love him. Phil got up and left me and Austin in the back lounge. I wiped my tears from my face and sat up straight. I'm not going to cry over him. Fuck it. I don't care anymore.

"I'm gonna go walk around for a little bit. I'll text you when I'm on my way back" I told Austin. As always he told me to be careful and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I smiled and made my way off of the bus. I went to Sleeping's stage. I was just in the crowd watching them. I sung along with the songs that they played.

After walking around all day I decided to head back to the bus and sit down. I punched in the code and made my way to the sweet couch. I plopped myself on it and laid there. Why did I walk? "Weren't you just complaining about how our couch sucks ass. Now your loving it" Tino asked. I faced him and stuck my tongue out. " Well I walked around all day so there" I said as I sat up. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. I wonder where Alan is. Maybe he is just making out with some blonde bitch. I turned my head to Austin who was on my left and Aaron was on my right. I smiled. For once I have people who care about me. It used to just be my sister and me. But now I have an entire bus full of guys who would do anything for me. It's just amazing. At that moment I got a call and it was my other sister.


"Hey I'm going to need you to take Blair. I need my life back and she is asking for you and Aaron anyways. You always begged for her well now you can fucking have her. I'm going to get the rights over to you and as soon as you get home you can have her back"

With that she hung up and I smiled so big. I was so happy and I can't wait to have my pretty girl back. "That was my sister. I get to have my little girl back guys" I smiled and they all congratulated me. "But why is she giving her to you" Tino asked and I sighed before explaining everything to him.

"So when she had her she didn't want her and I offered to take her. Although I didn't have custody I should have because I raised her. When we moved a couple years ago she had to move back with her mom and I haven't seen her since. My older sister is a bad druggie" I explained and they all understood now. "She is the cutest. She has curly ginger hair and big dark green eyes. Everyone adores her" I also explained and they all 'awwed' it was cute. I was so exited to get back home now. We only have a few days left and I get to have her  and I  an not wait. 

Hey my lovelies. Thank you for reading and I hope you like it!!!

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