Chapter two

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"Your highness, are you listening to me?" Elise, Ginny's palace assigned assistant said, drawing Ginny out of her daze.

"Sorry, just tired." She smiled at Elise through the mirror as Liane continued to style Ginny's hair. "What were you saying?" Ginny had luckily made it back to her place before Elise and Liane had arrived. She had felt bad leaving Taron alone in his hotel room, but she really had to get back before anyone had noticed she was missing. She had considered leaving a note but know that it was better this way.

"I said, do you have everything you need prepared? The sound check went well yesterday? Prince Eddie and Prince James tried on their outfits and everything went well?"

"Yes, everything went smashingly. The fundraiser is well on track. Eddie and James agreed that their costumes were hilarious." Ginny wasn't going to let Elise's needless worrying bring down her good mood.

"Very good. I've received word that your grandfather is planing on attending to thank all the other participants."

"How lovely of him. Is Gran coming too?"

"They didn't say." Elise had turned her attention back to her phone. "Are you certain about those two songs you'll preform? I'm not quite sure about the second one."

"Yes, I'm certain, thank you. Are you certain about the outfits you've suggested?" Ginny glanced over at the three outfit Elise had selected for Ginny to pick from.

"What's wrong with them?"

"They're all a little too proper looking, don't you think? It's meant to be fun, isn't it?"

"You're fourth in line for the British Throne, you're meant to look proper."

"Elise. I'm not wearing any of those. I promise I'll wear a dress, just not one of those. They look like something my Gran would wear."

"Fine, but you don't leave with out my approval." Elise said as she left the room to take a phone call.

"She means well, Miss." Liane said as she finished doing Ginny's hair. It was in her signature loose curls with half of it pinned back with a clip. "Are you nervous?" She asked as she watched Ginny walk into her closet.

"Not really." She replied as she looked through her dresses, careful to avoid the black one that she had shoved far to the back.

"What about that pretty green one? Your father loves that one." Liane said before catching herself. "Sorry dear."

"No, you're right. He did love it." She pulled the pretty deep green dress out and ran her fingers along the lace.

"How about those little booties you love so much? I think they'd look smashing with that dress." Liane suggested, trying to change the subject.

"Elise would have an absolute melt down if I even tried to leave the house in those." Ginny settled on a pair of black high heels that she knew Elise would approve of. She put both the dress and the heels on and went back to join Liane.

"Did you do anything fun last night?" Liane asked watching Ginny put her small pearl earrings in.

"No, just a quiet night in." She lied.

"Well, the quiet night relaxing definitely suits you. You're absolutely glowing." Liane told her as she adjusted Ginny's hair one last time.

"Are you ready yet, there is a schedule I'd like to keep. You and your cousins have still got to go and do the last minute walk through to make sure everything is perfect."Elise said as she busted into the room.

"Is this suitable?" Ginny asked, doing a spin for Elise.

"Yes, it'll do nicely. Now grab a coat, William is waiting with the car."

After putting on her coat Ginny followed Elise to the waiting Car. Elise wasted no time and got right in the front seat of the sleek black tow car, but William stopped Ginny.

"Good morning Miss Ginny, how was your night." He asked.

"It was alright, thank you. And yours?" She smiled sweetly at her body guard. He had been her bodyguard since she was fourteen years old and in the eleven years she had known him, he had always known when she was up to something.

"Mine was fine. As was my morning until I found out that you snuck out last night."

"What? Never."

"Lucas said that you tried to bribe him with pastries this morning when you were caught trying to sneak back in. How can we protect you if we don't know where you are at all times." He said sternly.

"I'm sorry William. I just needed a night to be..."

"A night to be twenty five?" He finished her sentence, to which she nodded. "You won't do it again with out telling someone?"

"I promise."

"Good girl."

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