Chapter ten

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"Are you nervous?" Ginny asked. Taron had been looking out the window at the crowd of press that was waiting for them, a huge lump in his throat.

"A little." He replied taking her hand.

"Just think, this time tomorrow we'll be on a train to Wales. We'll get to see your mum, and I can finally meet your dad and sisters, and see where you grew up."

Remembering all those things did settle his nerves a little. The car finally stopped outside of the children's hospital. Elise had thought this would be the perfect first outing as an official couple, Ginny, Princess Paige, Prince Jamie and Prince Henry were all coming to visit with the sick children  and their families. Ever since Taron had given his voice to Johnny the gorilla he had found he had many more young fans, something Elise obviously knew.

William came around and opened the door for Taron, who thanked him.  He waited and offered his hand to Ginny and helped her out of the car. She looked so pretty in her dark blue dress that it took Taron's breath away. He knew she didn't pick the dress, much like how he didn't pick his grey suit. He knew that people had spent hours deciding on what they should wear and how coordinated they should be. Everything down to her earrings and his socks had been scrutinized 

and analyses.

Taron escorted Ginny up to the building, stopping often to greet the young children waiting outside with flowers and drawings.

When they finally arrived inside they greeted some staff then waited for the rest of Ginny's family to arrive, something that was planned out so the press could get pictures of all of them.

Once they arrived they started to visit. Taron was unsure of what he was meant to be doing, but remembered what they had prepared him for. Make small talk and smile.

It was very easy for him to keep a smile on his face, all he had to do was watch Ginny with the children. She always got their level and listened intently to what they said to her.

One little girl in particular caught Taron's attention. She was shyly watching Ginny from afar.

"Love." Taron said softly, touching Ginny's arm. He then motioned to the little girl. Ginny smiled and went over to the little girl.

"Hello dear. What's your name?"  Ginny asked.

"Lexie." She said quietly.

"And how old are you?"

"I'm four."

"I like your dress, it's very pretty." Ginny smiled. The little girl smiled back.

"Princess Ginny, would you sing for us." One of the older kids asked.

A chorus of pleases went around the room. Ginny smiled at all the children and looked down and little Lexie.

"What do you think Lexie?"

"Yes please."

"Have you a music room, or a guitar or a ukulele laying around?" Ginny asked the woman giving the tour.

"In the craft room there are some instruments. We could gather some of the children, I'm sure they would love that." The lady replied.

"Lexie, would you like to show me the music room?" She asked. Lexie nodded then took Ginny by the hand. Taron followed then down the hall and into a large brightly coloured room. "Thank you." Ginny said and Lexie ran off to find a seat.

"What are you going to sing?" Taron asked as Ginny picked up the guitar and strummed it a few times.

"No clue." She looked around the room. "Perhaps something from Trolls."

"Why Trolls?" He asked.

She nodded her head to a poster on the wall, "They just watched it a few days ago."

"So did we." He smiled thinking about how Ginny had been singing the songs from that movie non stop since she brought it over, often singing while she cooked, or showered." Do you know all the words?" He teased.

The room was soon filled with children and their parents and a few of the doctors. There were also a few men with cameras.

Taron stood off to the side with Paige, Jamie and Ginny's uncle.

Ginny had been given a stool which she sat on and scanned the room. "Hello." She smiled at the room. "Has anyone here seen Trolls?" She asked, most of the kids in the room raising their hands. "Good, I saw it the other day and it's my second favourite movie, after Sing."  That make Taron chuckle as she strummed the guitar and started to play. She sang the song 'Get Back Up Again', from Trolls. The kids loved it, especially when she got up and danced with them while singing.

She then sang a few Disney songs, all of which were big hits with all the kids.

"Have any of you seen seen Sing?" She asked after a few more songs. Some of the kids cheered, "Would you like Johnny to sing?" More cheers. Ginny waved Taron over and another stool was brought out.

"Hi." He said awkwardly. "Would you stay and play guitar for me?" He whispered to Ginny, who nodded. "I think we'll stick with the Trolls theme right now." He turned to Ginny again. "Can you play 'True Colours'?" She thought a moment then nodded.

"Go ahead, I'll follow your lead."

Taron drew a deep breathe, "You with the sad eyes, don't be discouraged, oh I realize, it's hard to fake courage." He started. He hoped that Ginny would join in and he was not disappointed. While she played she started to sing along with him.They finished smiling at each other and everyone in the room clapping.

They finished the tour of the floor, visiting with the rest of the children.

"Thank you both so much, that was fantastic." One of the doctors shook Taron's hand as the left.

"It was our pleasure." Taron assured him. They all said their final goodbyes and went out to the waiting cars.

"That was an amazing first event." Elise said as soon as they got in the car.

"When did you get here?" Taron was startled at her seemingly sudden appearance.

"I came in a different car, but look, you two are going viral." Elise showed them her phone and all the pictures and videos of them singing. "This is a very good thing."

Taron looked at Ginny and she rolled her eyes before she took his hand.

Sorry guys, this is all you get this week. I usually write on my days off and I haven't had any this week

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