Chapter nine

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"I thought you were being careful, Ginny." Her uncle Philipe said loudly, throwing a stack of newspapers down on the desk she was sitting at. She was in the office of her grandfathers press secretary with both her uncles.

"Philipe, there's no need to raise your voice at the poor girl." Her uncle Henry interrupt anything else Philipe was going to say.

"There are picture of her kissing that boy, Henry." He gestured to all the papers, all spattered with pictures of Taron and Ginny. "Everywhere, all over the news."

"It's alright Philipe. She's an adult, she's allowed to have a relationship. What if she was one of your daughters?"

Philipe muttered something about his daughters that neither Ginny nor Henry heard. "The King will be furious." Philipe said before he left the room."

"Is grandad angry?" Ginny asked with a small voice.

"No dear. I don't expect so." Henry smiled and sat on the edge of the desk. It always amazed Ginny how much her uncle and his sons looked alike. The same hair, the same mischievous smile. It was their eyes that they got from their mother.

As if their discussing his summoned him, her grandfather entered the room.

"Henry, I'd like a word with Ginny alone." He said, dismissing Henry. Henry gave Ginny's had a squeeze before he left and shut the door behind him, leaving Ginny and her grandfather alone in the large office.

"Grandad, I'm so sorry, I don't know how someone got a picture, we're always so careful." She started to explain, but her grandfather raised his hand.

Ginny's heart was pounding and she felt sick while she watched him look through the newspapers not saying anything.

"You love this man?" Her grandfather asked finally.

"Yes, of course."

"And he loves you?" Grandad looked at Ginny this time.

"Yes." She replied confidently.

"And how long have you two be an item?"

"About a year and a half." She replied, amazed at how fast the time had gone.

At her answer her grandfather whistled. "You kept it a secret longer then Jamie and Paige managed to, but they were younger." He said looking impressed. "We will release a statement confirming that you two are in fact in a relationship, and I expect that his people will want to do the same. They are already in contact with Elise, is this correct?" Ginny nodded, " Good, we will also put them in contact with the palace new staff. I suppose we should find an official event you can both appear at Together as a couple. I'll have Fran in scheduling look into it. That all dear, you can leave."

"Thank you grandad." Ginny stood and curtsied, then kissed her grandfathers cheek.

"I'm just glad to see you smiling again, as is Gran." He patted her cheek then walked her out of the room and down the hall to where Taron was waiting.

"Sir." He jumped up, and bowed.

"Hello Taron." Her grandfather shook his hand. "Would you care to join myself and the Queen for tea?"

"Yes sir, thank you." Taron looked at Ginny who gave him a thumbs up behind her grandfathers back.

They walked through the Palace, out of the office wing and up to the private residence of the King and Queen.

"Good after noon Gran." Ginny curtsied then kissed her grandmother's cheek. Her grandmother was Ginny's absolute favourite person, excluding Taron. She was tiny and adorable, and just the sweetest ladies ever. "Gran, this is Taron." She presented Taron to her grandmother, he bowed his head.

"It's so lovely to meet you. If hear such wonderful things when Ginny comes for tea. You must start coming with her." Gran said, taking Taron by the hand and leading him to the couches. "She did leave out how handsome you were." Ginny could hear her Gran adding.

Ginny went with her grandad to get herself a cup of tea. "Grandad, since this is all official and people know, could I ask of something?"

"Of course dear." Her grandfather said as he prepared her grandmother's cup of tea.

"Taron's cousin is getting married in Wales at the end of the month, and I'd like your permission to join him and stay with him at his parents home."

"I give my permission."

"Can I go without bodyguards  and take the train?" She added, knowing that the chances were slim on the last two requests.

"One bodyguard and you may take the train."

"Thank you grandad." She said excitedly. She helped him take the tray with all the cups over to where her gran was entertaining Taron with stories.

Hi ya!!! Enjoy, and till next week!

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