Chapter twelve

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"Darling." Ginny's Aunt Clarice said as she gave Ginny air kisses on both cheeks.

"Aunt Clarice. It's lovely as always to see you." Ginny lied through her teeth. They were in the King's box at the Royal Ascot waiting for the races to start.

"Is that beau of yours joining us this afternoon?" She asked, sipping her champagne.

"He is. He's actually right over there talking to Jamie."

"That's nice. Why is it that he declined he invitation to Camille's wedding?"

"He's going to be away filming then." She explained. They had discussed Taron flying back to attend with her, but there was worry that they would draw attention that should be on the bride.

"It's just that I worry if he doesn't come, people will think it was because we didn't want him there."

Ginny bit her tongue because she knew that they didn't want him there. "I'll talk to him about it again." She glanced over at Taron again who was still happily chatting with Jamie, so she joined Paige over by the balcony.

They sat and talked awhile when Taron came over and waved Ginny over.

"Hey, what's going on?" She asked him.

"I'm not feeling all that great, I think I'm going to head home if that's alright with you." Taron's cheeks looked flushed. Ginny checked his temperature with the back of her hand.

"Oh, babe, you're burning up. Let me grab my coat and we'll get out of here."  He was about to protest, but Ginny stopped him. "I'm taking you home."

William drove them home and Ginny made Taron go straight to bed, then she tidied his place up a bit for him.

It was later in the evening  when Taron's phone rang. Ginny had been sitting on his couch reading when it rang. Since he was still asleep she answered it.

"Taron's phone." She said.

"Ginny? Is that you? It's Liz." The voice on the line said. Liz was Taron's agent, Ginny had met her a few times and thought that she was lovely.

"Hi Liz. Is whatever you're calling about important, or could Taron call you back? He's sick and I'd hate to wake him."

"It's sort of important. Have you seen the latest headlines?" She asked, making Ginny's stomach drop.

The past few weeks haven't been great for them. Ever since they got back from his cousins wedding the tabloids had stories about them, all of which were unfavourable.

"I haven't. Is it bad?" Ginny asked, biting her thumb nail nervously.

"It's not great. There's a story about how he got drunk at the ascot and had to leave. There's a picture of you helping him into your car." Liz explained.

Ginny was angry. First the tabloids had started printing stuff about Taron's family, then there were claims that he was in a bar fight and now this. Ginny was dreading having to see her family, her grandfather's press secretary had been having a rough time with releasing statements defending them. Elise was in disarray, fielding calls herself about Ginny and Taron's relationship.

Ginny and Liz talked awhile longer, and they patched Elise in at one point too. Realizing how late it was, Ginny got off the call, leaving the two to keep discussing.

She quietly got into bed with Taron, feeling his skin. She was glad to feel that he had cooled down considerably. He was asleep soundly on his stomach, so Ginny gently rubbed his back and watched him sleep.

At some point she must have fallen asleep because she woke up the next morning snuggled up with him.

"Morning." He kissed her forehead.

"How are you feeling?" She felt his cheek.

"Much better." He looked so happy that it made what Ginny was about to do so much harder.

"We need to talk about something." She sat up and crossed her legs, taking his hands in hers.

"This sounds serious." His smile left.

"I talked to Liz last night."


"She's worried about all the negative press that we've been getting lately."

"And?" He asked, sensing that there was something Ginny wasn't adding.

"And she's worried about how it's affecting your career."

"It's not something that really needs to be worried about."

"She thinks it is. Elise agrees."

"And?" He asked again.

"And I'm worried too. What if all this means that you get parts because people don't want to deal with the drama."

"You think I care about that? Because Gin, I don't give a shit if I never get another role as long as I'm with you."

"You love acting. I'm not going to ask you to risk that." She could feel her eyes welling up.

"Are we breaking up?"

"I think so." She said, as a tear slid down her cheek and landed on her knee.

"Are you really doing this for me, or is it because of your family?" His asked after a moment, his own eyes getting a little glassy looking.

"Honestly. It's both." She couldn't lie to him. She knew how relieved everyone would be once they weren't together anymore.

"Ginny." His voice was soft and he gently placed his hand on her cheek, tilting her head so she would look him in his beautiful green eyes.

"And just think. If we aren't together they won't have any reason to write stories about your parents." She said, her voice catching and her lower lip quivering. Taron wiped another tear off her cheek.

"Could we just pretend for one more hour that everything's alright?" He asked. Ginny nodded and the two of them laid down. She rested her head on his chest and listened to him breath. They didn't speak, they just laid there.

She finally sat up and looked at Taron, the tears coming back.

"I'll give you some time if you want to pack your things." He got out of the bed and stopped at the door. "You can keep that jumper you like so much." He said before he walked out.

It didn't take Ginny too long to gather her stuff, she had done most of it the night before. She mostly just sat on the bed and looked around, thinking about the memories they had made in there. With a sigh she got up and grabbed the last of her clothes. She considered leaving the jumper, but instead put it in her bag.

He was waiting by the door when she came out with her bag. "Can I hug you one last time?" He asked. His eyes were red and puffy. She nodded, unable to speak, knowing that if she did she would burst into tears.

They hugged, and Ginny didn't want to let go. She pulled away after a few moments, Taron didn't want to let her go either, she could tell.

"Bye." He whispered.

"Bye." She said then remembered. Her hands went to the delicate chain around her neck to undo it and give it back.

"No, it was a gift. I want you to keep it. I love you, Gin." He said, starting to close the door.

"I love you too." She responded. She managed to keep her composure until the car and as William drove away, Ginny fell apart.

Sorry for the inactivity, been busy. I hope to get back into a more regular writing schedule in the next few weeks. Enjoy. If you like it make sure to comment, it always makes my day to read what you think.

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