Chapter eighteen

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Loud knocking woke Taron up. "Shit." He groaned, checking the time. He was meant to be up in five hours to catch a flight to Boston and had only just fallen asleep.

He pulled his shirt over his head as he opened the door. Ginny was standing there in a elegant looking gown and a tiara.

"Am I still asleep?" He wondered out loud, rubbing his eyes.

"We need to talk. Can I come in?" She asked.

Taron moved so she could pass him. "Look Gin, I've got to be up in a few hours. I've got a flight. So what ever this is can we make it quick?"  He said. He knew he sounded harsh but he was still hurt by their break up.

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm so sorry I let the opinions of others get in the way of how I feel about you. Turns out my uncle was feeding stories to the tabloids about us, and your family, and I'm sorry that you got dragged into my family drama. Eddie punched him in the face when he found out, it was awesome." She chuckled, and looked at him. "I should have stood up for you and told my uncle to piss off, like my dad did before he married my mum. That's all I wanted to say, so I'll leave." She headed for the door, but Taron caught her arm.

"That's all you wanted to say?" He asked. His voice was softer now, and he gently pulled her close to him, her large dress making that a little hard.

"No, I also wanted to say that I love you, and I never stopped."

"I never stopped loving you either." Taron smiled and kissed her, not caring that he was squishing her pretty dress.

She pulled away from him, and smiled. "You should get back to bed."

"I won't be able to sleep now. I want to see you before I leave. I'll be gone for months." He brushed her hair off her face.

"I could come visit."

"Yeah, I suppose you like Boston."

"You're going to Boston?"

"Did I not say that?" He asked, wondering what she was thinking.

"I could come with you. Cambridge is so close to Boston, I'm sure they'll have me."

Taron cupped her cheeks and smiled at her, "You can't give up your life just because I'm leaving. You have responsibilities here." He said sadly.

"I'm tired of doing everything I'm supposed to do to please everyone else, I'm doing this for me."

An hour later Taron was standing in a familiar room in the palace surrounded by Ginny's family with her by his side. She had changed out of her dress and was wearing a pair of Taron's sweatpants and his jumper, Taron felt equally under dressed in front of the King.

She had told them what she wanted to do and no one was saying anything, they were all waiting for the King to speak.

He was sitting in his chair behind his desk, his finger tapping on his lips.

"You're sure this is what you want to do?" He asked finally.

"Yes." Ginny replied without any hesitation.


He shrugged, "It's Ginny's decision. I want whatever is going to make her happy. If it's coming to Boston with me, then yeah let's do that."

"Jamie, what do you think?" Her grandfather turned to her cousin.

" I think Uncle Alfred would be proud of Ginny's decision. And I do think it's for the best. You were so much happier with Taron in your life."

"I agree. And I give my blessing, not that you needed it." He grandfather said. He rose from his chair, went over to Ginny and kissed her forehead.  "I'm going to miss you my dear." He then patted Taron on the shoulder then said goodnight to everyone else, the party long over. They all followed suit and left Taron and Ginny alone to celebrate their news.

"Are you absolutely sure you want to do this?" Taron asked her for what felt like the billionth time. William had driven them back to Taron's and they sat in the back seat. They had been talking and planning. She'd need a few days to get organized and come down, and he had already emailed his agent about arranging for him to live with Ginny at the condo she owned in Cambridge.

The sun was starting to come up and Taron knew that in about an hour he'd have to get his things and go to the airport. William and Ginny were going to take him.

Ginny kissed him before answering. "Taron I love you so much. We lost so much time because of my stupid uncle and I don't want to waste anymore. I'm coming And if you ask me again, I'll go mad. Now, by my watch we have about an hour to make us getting back together official, if you catch my drift."

Taron very much caught her drift, and they went inside.

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