Chapter Six

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Ginny was sitting in her usual chair while Liane dressed her hair when her phone rang.

"What's up Eddie." She asked when she answered, knowing it was him from the ridiculous song he had begged her to set for him.

"What are you doing tonight?" He asked.

"Nothing that I'm aware of, shortly I'll be off to an event with grandad, but after that nothing."

"Good. I'm having a fancy dress party round mine tonight. Bring that lad of yours that you keep ditching me for. I'd like to meet him."

Ginny smiled to herself, unsure about how Eddie would react after finding out that he already met Taron. They had to fill in his  agent, Hannah,  and Elise in on the budding relationship in an effort to make things easier. After Hannah and Elise spoke, they made arrangements for them to attend some of the same events, include the London premiere of his movie 'Sing', which she had attended with Eddie.

"I'll ask him, but you're only giving a few hours notice for a fancy dress party, we'll have to find costumes and stuff."

"You'll make it work, talk laters, love ya." He said quickly before hanging up on her. She rolled her eyes and laughed.

"Do you think you could arrange for a costume for me? Some thing fun?" She asked Liane as she dialled Taron's number.

"Yeah of course, want me to arrange something for him?" She asked. Liane was one of  the few who really knew about Taron, along with Elise and Paige.

"He's a big boy, he can figure it out." She replied waiting for Taron to pick up.

"Hello? He answered, his voice groggy.

"Morning, did I wake you?" She asked, glancing at her watch.

"Its alright, what's up?" He asked. She heard him roll over and wished she was in that cozy bed with him instead of being up this early getting made up.

"Do you want to come to a party with me tonight? It's at Eddie's, he wants to meet you."

"If you want me there, I'll be there."

"Good. It's a fancy dress party, so you'll have to sort out a costume." Elise came in, clearly wanting to tell something to Ginny.

"The King's here and he wants to speak with you before you both leave."

"You can send him in." She replied to Elise, covering the mouth piece of her phone.  "I'll have to call you later, my granddad's here." She said to Taron.

"Alright. Are you going to come over after your tour of the children's centre?"

"Probably not, I'm going to see Paige and the baby."

"That's right, you mentioned that. Alright, well I  Love you, have a good day, see you later." Every time he said those three words Ginny's heart almost jumped out of her chest.

"Love you too." She hung up as her grandfather walked in. She stood and did a quick curtesy then introduced Laine who also curtsied. Granddad shook her hand then asked for a minute alone with Ginny.

When they were alone Ginny offered him the good chair then leaned against the table, resisting every urge she had to jump up on the table to sit, knowing Elise would kill her if she messed her dress.

"How are you today dear." He asked.

"I'm well thank you, and you?"

"All the better that I get to spend part of the day with you."

"Oh granddad, you old charmer you." She smiled, "That certainly can't be why you came all the way here, though."

"It's not." He smiled back at her, then his face took a serious tone. "You know that Gran and I are very please with your studies. As was your father, and I know your mother would have been proud."

"Thank you Granddad."

"That's why I'm reluctant to ask this of you." He sighed. "I'm sure you're aware of the public opinion polls that are constantly being done."

"I am." Elise was constantly reminding her.

"Do you know how you rank on this scale?" He asked. Ginny suddenly got nervous.

"I don't." She felt like there was a million butterflies in her stomach. Her mind was playing back everything she had done in the past few months since being home, trying to think about anything that she Could have done that would make people unhappy.

"You're the most popular member of the family. Ninety-seven percent of people polled picked you." He smiled proudly at her and every worry she had vanished but was replaced with confusion.

"What this have to do with my studies?" She asked.

Her grandfather thought a moment before he spoke again. " Your uncles and I have been talking and we would like to offer you a role as a full time Royal."

Ginny was shocked, her mouth open. It was a great honour to be offered this, she was fully aware of this. She had gone her whole life knowing that she would likely never be offered this. It was a role that was typically reserved for only immediate members. Her grandparents, uncles, Eddie, Jamie and Paige were the only ones with the full time Royal status. Her uncle Philip had been pushing and pushing for Bridgette and Claudine to get the status, but Grandfather refused.

"Dear, would you please say something."

"I don't quite know what to say. Thank you I suppose is the first thing."

"Don't thank me too soon, dear. If you accept, you'll have to put your studies on hold, possibly never picking them back up. So I really want you to think hard about it before you make a choice." He stood and kissed her forehead. "I really should have waited until after this event to spring this on you."

Ginny did the event, smiling at all the right times, being her normal friendly self, waiting until she was alone in her car before letting the huge decision weigh down on her. She was relieved when she arrived at Paddington Palace, the large estate where both Jamie and Eddie had their homes. William drove along the long road headed towards the smaller, cottage like home farther in the estate that Jamie and Paige now called home with their new baby girl Olivia.

"What's wrong?" Paige asked as soon as Ginny had her coat off. That was the thing about Paige that everyone loves some much, she always had a way of knowing when something was off with the people she cared about.

Paige invited Ginny in and they sat on the comfy couches with tea, regular for Ginny and herbal green tea for Paige.

"Grandad asked me if I wanted a role as a full timer."

"He did?" Paige exclaimed in her excitement forgetting that the baby was sleeping in her bassinet right next to them. "And?"

"I don't know, what do you think?"

"If you stay I'll get to see you more often. And Livie would get to see her God Mother all the time. And you wouldn't have to be apart from Taron. Have you talked to him about it at all?"

"Not yet. I was going to tomorrow. I just don't know if it's what my parents would have wanted. They wanted me to go to school."

"Take the time to figure it out. It's not an easy decision." Paige patted Ginny's hand she changed the subject.

Hi guys! I hope you're enjoying. More to come next week!

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