Chapter eleven

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Taron was fast asleep when Ginny's restlessness woke him up. He looked over at the clock and groaned.

"Gin, it's six in the morning and we're on vacation." He whined.

"I can't help it." She cuddled up against him. "I always wake up at this time." That was certainly true. In the year and a half he had known her, Ginny always woke up between six and six thirty. Everyday with no alarm.

"How are you not tired? We stayed up so late last night." They had arrived in Wales yesterday afternoon and had spent the night visiting with Taron's parents and sisters, staying up late talking with his parents. "Can't you just try to go back to sleep."

"Let's get up, we could go for a walk, or a run or something." She shook him, trying to pull the blanket he was now hiding under. "oh, or we could make breakfast for your family."

This made him laugh and he pulled the blankets off himself, "You don't know how to cook."

"Bollocks. I make you breakfast last week."

"Beans on toast does not count." He sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"Bollocks." She said again, smacking him with a pillow. He grabbed the pillow from her and pinned her onto the bed, smothering her with kisses, all while she giggled quietly.

"Come on, I'll show you how to make pancakes." He got out of bed and put on a t-shirt. Ginny put on her slippers and followed him down the dark hallway and down the stairs to the kitchen.

The first thing he did was make a pot of tea. While it brewed, Taron watched Ginny and admired her. This was his favourite Ginny. The one that only he got to see. She danced around the kitchen of his childhood home in her vintage Star Wars pyjamas and her glasses bounced on her nose. He had to jump back to avoid one of the braids that his sister had put in her hair as it swung around almost whacking him in the face.

The private moment didn't last too long, his mother hearing them came down and Ginny stopped dancing around.

"Good morning." His mother said. "You're making breakfast?"

"Yeah, Ginny thought we should treat you lot to breakfast." Taron smiled at Ginny. His mother stayed and talked to them as they made breakfast. The rest of Taron's family filtered in and they all enjoyed the pancakes Taron had mostly made while Ginny had watched.

The rest of the day was mostly dedicated to getting ready for the wedding. Taron got out of the shower and went back into the guest room him and Ginny were staying, despite Taron's insistence that they could stay in his old room, but his mother had over ruled him saying that the bed was too small for two adults, but Taron knew perfectly well that it was because she wanted Ginny to stay in the nicest room.

Ginny was putting on some makeup when Taron came back in to grab his suit.

"You look gorgeous." He kissed the top of her head as he passed by her. She was wearing the same dress she wore the night of their first date, the pretty green one he loved so much.

"Thank you." She replied, turning to him, "Hair up, or down?" She asked pulling it up as she asked.

"Definitely down." He told her as he finished buttoning his shirt. She left her hair the way it was and came to him, tying his tie for him. He was perfectly capable of doing it, but they had gotten into the habit of Ginny always doing it for him before he left. She had told him that her grandmother, the other one, not the Queen, always tied her grandfathers tie, and that her mother had tied her father's before she had died, then Ginny had taken over in recent years.  He was more then happy to let her tie it for him, it always came with a sweet kiss which he always found to be the highlight of his day.

"Are you nervous to meet my whole family?" He asked her, watching her closely.

"A little. I've been studying." Taron's laughter interrupt her and she shot him a look, "I've been studying people's names and the things you've told me about all of them. I think I've got most down."

"It's fine if you don't know everything about everyone." He laughed again. "You're mad you know that?" He pulled her close by her waist and kissed her forehead.

"I just want them to like me."

"They're going to like you. And not because you're a princess, but because you're my girlfriend And the kindest person I've ever known." He assured her, rubbing his hands up and down her arms. "But I'm sure being a princess doesn't hurt." He teased, earning him a smack.  She rolled her eyes at him as she set her matching green hat on her head. It took her a few tries to get it straight. Taron smiled at her through the mirror, then tapped his watch, teasing her.

"I'm not used to doing it myself." She said, finally seeming happy with how it was sitting. "Shall we?" She asked.

"We shall." He said with a wink.

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