Chapter fifteen

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She was looking at him as if he was a ghost.

"What are you doing here?" She asked after collecting her thoughts for a second.

"Eddie called me." He didn't add that Eddie was worried about her, but he could see why. She was thin and her skin was pale, like she was sick. "He thought you could use a friendly face."

"That was very thoughtful of him."

"I brought you some tea. Lemon and some sugar, right?" She nodded and he approached her.

"We should sit." She sat and he handed her one of the two cups, which she set down on the table next to her. "Would you please thank your mother for the flowers she sent? They're beautiful, as was the card."

"She also sent you some food. I passed it along to William if you want it. The cooking instructions are written on them." Ginny smiled, but still managed to look incredibly sad. It took everything Taron had to not take her in his arms. "Gin, are you alright?"

"I'm fine." She smiled that sad smile again.

"You don't look fine." He said, then instantly regretted it when her eyes welled with tears. "I'm sorry."

"No, you're right. I'm not fine." She brushed a tear off her cheek. "It's been a rough few days and I'm glad you're here." Ginny pushed a button that was next to her tea and a few moments later a member of the house hold staff came in.  "Could we have tea in here please. With some sandwiches and the lot." She asked. The man nodded and left them.

Him and Ginny chatted, like they used to. She asked about his latest press tour, and his family. And when the sandwiches came he was happy to see her eat a few. After a little while the colour started to come back to her cheeks.

She was starting to smile again, and had even laughed when there was a knock on the door and Ginny's uncle Philipe came in.

"There you are. There are people here to pay their respects to your grandmother and you're hiding out in here? Honestly Ginny, where is your head. I expect to see you out there thanking people in a few minutes." He snarled at Ginny and shot a glare at Taron before he left. "This is an event for foreign diplomats, I don't know why you're here." He added before he left.

"I suppose I should leave." Taron stood. Ginny stood too, and hugged him.

"Thank you for coming, and I'm sorry he spoke to you like that. You're a good man and a good friend." They left the room together and found William standing in the hall. "William can you the quickest way to your car. It was lovely to see you." She smiled then left Taron and William standing there.

"God, I hate that man." William said softly to Taron as they walked.

"He's so harsh on her, all the time."

"He doesn't agree with the way her parents raised her, and he thinks the King favours her over his daughters, which he does. His daughters are spoiled brats who expect everything  to be handed to them. Ginny works hard and is the kindest person I've ever met." Taron could see how much William cared for Ginny and how much he disliked her uncle. They were at Taron's car now.

"You'll take good care of her for me, won't you?" Taron asked, offering his hand to William, who smiled and took it.

"I will."

"And make sure she eats something. Get her a pizza with mushrooms, or a burger with fries and a strawberry milkshake."

"You know, I'm sorry you two didn't work out. I quite like you." William told Taron through his rolled down window. He tapped the roof of the car and Taron rode off.

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