Chapter five

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Taron stood by the bar of the fancy nightclub that Paige, The Duchess of Kenaston had rented out for the after party. He was surrounded by many famous, beautiful people but as he looked around the room he only hoped to catch a glance of the girl he had played darts with the night before.

He knew her cousins were here, at least Prince Eddie was. He was dancing up a storm on the dance floor.

"We really should stop meeting like this." Ginny's voice said from behind him. Taron smiled as he turned. Ginny was next to him, looking as gorgeous as he remembered.

"Hi." He managed to get out, too distracted by the fact that she had a room full of celebrities to speak to, and she chose to be there next to him. "You were amazing out there earlier."

"Thank you. You were good too." She said, taking a glass of champagne off of a passing tray. She took a sip then looked at him. "I never thanked you for last night. It was nice to be just Ginny for a few hours, instead of Her Royal Highness, Genevieve Alexandria, Princess of Warde." Then she laughed. "Listen to me, complaining about being a princess, there really are worst things, aren't there."

"Well, if you ever want to get out and be just Ginny, you could call me. I'd be glad to take you out for another pint."

"Are you asking me out on a date."

"That all depends on if it worked." He replied making her smile then she bit her bottom lip.

"I'd really like that." She replied, this time she made him smile. "Unfortunately, now I have to go play host and mingle with everyone to thank them for today. I'll find you later, maybe we could get that pint." She gave his forearm a squeeze quickly before walking away.

Taron followed Ginny's lead and mingled with some people, sticking close by the people he already knew. The whole time he felt like he was watching her. She had a way of speaking to people, it seemed. People anxiously waited to shake her hand throughout the room, all smiles as they spoke.

"Are you Taron?" The large bodyguard from early asked, startling Taron.

"Yes, sir."

"Please come with me." Taron rose, not wanting to argue with the large, imposing man. He followed him out through the kitchen and out a back door to where a car was waiting.

The bodyguard opened the back door of the car and there was Ginny. "Hello." She said with a smile. "This is William, my bodyguard. I believe you met earlier. I'm not to go anywhere without him, or without clearing by him. He will drive me everywhere unless it is deemed safe for me to travel another way." She said, looking to William as if she was expecting him to add anything she missed, he didn't add anything so she continued. "Fancy that pint?" She asked Taron.

He got in the car next to her and they silently sat while William drove.

"Where's he taking us?" Taron whispered.

"Someplace discreet I imagine." She whispered back.

Taron was puzzled at her comment, but understood when they arrived. They pulled up to the back door of a building and were led in by William, up the stairs to what appeared to be an empty bar room.

"Your Highness." A waiter said, bowing his head to Ginny who smiled. "What can I get for you?" The old man asked, seeming nervous.

"Have you any ciders?" Ginny asked.

"Yes Ma'am, a few."

"Which ever you like best would be delightful, thank you."

"And you, sir?" It took Taron a moment to realize the man was speaking to him.

"A Stella?"

"Very good, sir." He bow his head again before leaving them alone.

"Is it always like this?" Taron asked her.

"Yes. And that's something you'd need to understand about me, if this is going to go anywhere. We can't be seen in public together snogging, or even holding hands. We could never arrive places together or do normal things easily. William, or one of the other guards will always have to know where I am at all times. Is it something you could bare?"

" I believe it could be."

"And what about when I go back to America for school in January?"

"It's only a few months, I could come see you." Taron reached across the table and took Ginny's hand. "I like you Ginny and after talking to you last night I want to see where this is going to go, even if I have to work at it.

"It will be hard, there were times Paige was miserable."

Taron kissed her hand. "Stop trying to talk me out of it." The waiter came back with their drinks and set them on the table then he left them alone again. "To us?" Taron raised his glass. Ginny studied him a moment then took her own glass and clinked it to his.

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