Chapter eight

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Ginny smiled at Taron from across the room. It was a month later at a palace reception, one of the few where a bunch of actors and other celebrities were invited to meet the King and other members of the royal family. Taron had been invited and had brought his mother along. They had already done the part of the night when the king shakes all the invited guests hands and they were now mingling with drinks and hor d'ouvres.

"Have you said hello to his mother yet?" Eddie asked, sliding up beside Ginny.

"No. I quite know how to go about it. Do I just go over there, or do I mingle with people around them?"

"Are you going to tell her?"

"Heavens, no."

"Then, I think you should head in that direction, and say hello to people as you pass, then stop and speak to them both. Something about that talent we all did. Thank him for it, or what ever. Does grandad know?"

"Who do you think invited him? He wanted to meet him."


"Grandad winked at Taron, so I believe that was a good thing?"

Eddie nodded in agreement, "Good luck with his mum, I'm off. I've got my eye on a pretty little bird over there."

"Edward." She scolded. He shrugged and grabbed two glasses of champagne before scurrying off.

Ginny watched him go, then got herself ready to say hello to his mother.

She crossed the room, greeting a great many people as she went. She finally got to where Taron was with his mother.

"Hello." She smiled as she approached them, Taron's mother's eyes widened and she curtsied. Taron smiled at Ginny then he remembered that he was meant to not know her, and bowed his head.

"Your highness, it's such a pleasure to meet you." His mother took Ginny's extended hand and shook it.

"Thank you. I just wanted to come over here to thank your son for preforming at our charity talent show. You must be very proud to have such a talented son." Ginny smiled at both Taron and his mother. Taron's cheeks turned the rosy colour they often did when he felt put on the spot.

"Very proud." She smiled and looked at Taron, whose face was now beet red.

Ginny stood and chatted a few moments longer before she had to leave to talk to others. Taron winked at her before she turned away and she smiled.

The next morning they were laying in bed, up way airliner then they should have been. After he had dropped his mother off at her hotel Ginny had come over to help him set up the place. They stayed up all night painting his living room the light blue he had picked and then moved the furniture around. His place was really starting to look like a home.

"Why are we awake?" He groaned.

"Because this is the time I always wake up at, I can't help it." She pulled the covers back over her head.

"That explains why you're awake, why am I awake?" He pulled the blankets off her, making her shriek.

"Because if I have to be awake, so should you." She grabbed a pillow and whacked him with it before running out of the room, the wood floor cold on her bare feet.

Taron chased her around the house, catching her in the empty spare room where she had hide from him. He picked her up easily and put her over his shoulder, carrying her into the kitchen and setting her on the counter. "Woman, you will be the death of me." He reached up and grabbed two mugs and started making them some tea.

He was shirtless which was Ginny's favourite, wearing only a pair of pyjama bottoms, with her wearing only the matching top. "Oi." She said, bring his attention back to her. "Come here." He set down the mugs and went back to where she was sitting. Ginny wrapped her legs around his waist, pulled his in close to kiss him. She got goosebumps when his arms wrapped around her pulling her even closer.

They were so busy kissing each other that they didn't hear the door until it was too late.

It was a gasp from the doorway and the sound of something hitting the ground that startled them apart.

"Mum." Taron exclaimed, quickly jumping away from Ginny, who jumped off the counter.

"I, I, I should've called." She stammered, looking first at Taron then to Ginny. When she realized who Taron had been kissing, even more shock came to her face. "I think I need to sit down." She said finally.

"Yeah.  You do that, we'll give you a moment." Taron pulled Ginny back into the bedroom and shut the door behind them. "Shit. I forgot that I gave her a key." He said before laughing a little.

"Why are you laughing? Your mum just walked in on us snogging with me in my knickers." He laughed even harder. "It's not funny Taron."

"It's a little funny." He pulled her to him and kissed the top of her head. "We should get dressed and go talk to her, though."

Once they were dressed Taron looked at her, "Ready?"

"What if she doesn't like me." Ginny was suddenly terrified.

"She already likes you. She told me yesterday."

"That's before she caught me shacking up with her son." This made Taron laugh again.

"It'll be fine. I promise."

They went out hand in hand to the living room were his mother was waiting. When they walked in she stood and curtsied. "Good morning your highness.

"Please, just call me Ginny." She said nervously.

"Mum," Taron said as he sat next to his mother, "Ginny and I have been dating since November. We met before that charity event and sort of hit it off."

"I see."

"It's my fault he couldn't tell anyone, there are all these rules. He wanted to." Ginny added.

"I understand. It's just a lot to take in all at once."

"Yes. I imagine it is." Ginny folded her hands on the lap.

No one said anything for a few minutes, until Taron clapped this hands together. "Alright, let's go get some breakfast."

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