Chapter fourteen

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Ginny laid awake like she so often did. Next to her was the soft breathing of Olivia and Paige as they slept soundly, not wanting Ginny to be alone.

It had been twelve days since her grandmother had died and in a few hours the funeral would start.

She wasn't sure how many times she had looked at her phone, hoping for a message, no matter how short it was, from him.  She had even considered calling him, just wanting to hear his voice, to hear him tell her he loved her one more time.

But she didn't. She knew it wasn't fair to call him whenever it suited her.

Olivia woke up and snuggled up with Ginny, making her smile for a moment.

"Morning love." Ginny gave Olivia a kiss on her forehead. "Let's go get some breakfast, shall we? Perhaps Daddy's awake." Ginny picked Olivia up and carried her out to where Eddie and Jamie were eating breakfast.

"Morning lads." Ginny said as she passed an excited Olivia over to Jamie who gave her a big cuddle.

"Sleep well?" Eddie asked her as she prepared herself a cup of tea, unsure if she could stomach anything else.

"Not really." She checked her watch for what felt like the hundredth time. "I really should start getting ready." She told them, wanting to avoid their concerned looks. She left her tea untouched and went to the room where she had left her clothes the night before. She put the black dress that she had shoved to the back of her closet so many months ago and looked at herself, smoothing the front out as she looked at herself in the mirror.

The dress was much looser on her then it had been the first time she wore it. She had lost weight in the last week and a bit, not eating will do that to a person. Ginny could see that everyone was worried about her, and she tried to eat, but every time a pit formed in her stomach and she felt ill.

There was a soft knock at the door and Ginny opened the door, letting Laine in.

"Good morning." Laine smiled and hugged Ginny. "Shall we have a nice cuppa before we start?"

"I'm alright, thanks. I just want this day to final be over with." She said as she sat in the chair. Liane didn't chatter like she usually did. She instead silently styled Ginny's hair and put some make up on her.

A while later once they were all ready they had been transported from the palace to Westminster Hall.

The funeral wasn't long. Starting at Westminster Hall the procession walked the short way to Westminster Abbey. First behind the horse drawn carriage were Ginny's uncles and their wives.

Behind them, Jamie and Paige, Olivia was with her nanny back at home. Then was Ginny and Eddie. More members, including Ginny's other cousins walked behind them, the King though, he didn't walk, even though he wanted to. He would arrive right before it was to start.

Under an hour and the whole thing was done and Ginny watched her grandmother's coffin go passed her, With Eddie, Jamie and her uncles serving as the coffin bearers. Ginny took her grandfather's hand and walked with him and Paige to watch the coffin get loaded into the hearse. They then got into one of the limos that was behind it and they started on the final procession, driving from Westminster to St Georges Chapel where her grandmother would be buried in a few days.

"I think I'd like to get out and watch. Make sure she's settled." Grandad said. The other cars headed back towards the Palace where a lunch would be served for certain guests. Ginny let her grandfather have a private moment before she joined him at her grandmother's plot.

"It's beautiful here. She would have loved it." Ginny told him, sitting next to him on the bench.

Grandad smiled and patted her hand. "She would have, wouldn't she. We crack on, I suppose, everyone will be waiting for us."

They got back in the car and went back to the palace where everyone was waiting for them. She admired her grandfather's strength, he had just gotten back from his wife's funeral and now he had to socialize with all the foreign dignitaries.

Ginny on the other hand excused herself and went to have a private moment away from everyone else.  She had been sitting a few minutes alone in her grandmother's favourite sitting room when she heard a throat clear behind her.

She wasn't sure if it was the lack of sleep or her empty belly that was causing to to see things, but there he was standing with a cup of tea.

"Hiya Gin." Taron said.

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