Chapter Four

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Ginny's heart was pounding as she waited to go back on the stage. The opening song had been a hit, everyone loved it based off the cheering from the crowd.

The opening number had been Paige's idea. She had suggested it one night when Ginny had been round at theirs for dinner. Jamie had taken the most convincing, he wasn't sure it was proper for the future kind to dance around on stage dressed like Spice Girls, but after much persuading Ginny, Eddie and Paige convinced him that it would all be in good fun, and it was all for a good cause.

They had lip synced to the Spice Girls song 'Wannabe'. Ginny had been Ginger Spice, Eddie was Sporty Spice, Jamie was Scary Spice and Paige was Baby Spice, fitting it seemed with her pregnant belly. The crowd went mental for them, it had taken time for them to quiet down for the new performance.

Ginny had changed quickly back into her pretty green dress and had decided against putting back on the high heels Elise made her wear and went barefoot. She stood off stage and watched Taron sing on stage. She had asked about him,and had found out that he was an actor that was in a bunch of stuff she had never seem but watching him she found that he was also an extremely talented singer.

He was singing a medley from a movie of his that would be coming out soon along with the other cast members. She was disappointed to be taken away from the stage, but she was up next and had to get ready. They finished and came off the stage, passing Ginny as they went. Taron smiled at her and gave her a thumbs up as she walked onto the dark stage and sat on the stool that had been placed in the middle for her along with a microphone and her guitar.

She was seated when the lights came back on and the crowd went nuts again, but quieted quickly.

She started to strum the guitar and started to sing, closing her eyes for the first little bit to calm her nerves.

She played a song that she had heard on the radio a few weeks back.

"You know just what to say, things that scare me, I should just walk away, but I can't move my feet. The more I know you the more I want to. Something insisted me's changed, I was so much younger yesterday." She sang as she played along with the guitar. She finished the song and the crowd went crazy again.

She hopped off the stool and waved  to the crowd then went off the stage hoping to see Taron again, but instead was intercepted by her grandfather.

"Grandad." She quickly curtsied then kissed his cheek.

"You were phenomenal darling. And that bit with the boys and Paige was hilarious. Too bad that Brigette and Camille couldn't make it and join in on the fun."

"Yes, too bad." Ginny wasn't really too torn that her cousins didn't make the trip. The daughters of the King's youngest son and his wife Clarice, Ginny's cousins, along with their parents, were the absolute worst.  "How's Gran?" She asked, scanning the crowd, "Did she come?"

"She's well dear, she wasn't able to attend today.  She Misses you, she'd love it if you'd pop in for tea."

"I'll come by tomorrow If that works."

"That's why you're my favourite granddaughter." He patted her cheek.

"Grandad, you mustn't say that."

"Pish posh, I'm the king and I say as I please." He said with a teasing smile. "Right, well I'd best go see Paige. I reckon that girl will pop any day now, and make me a great grandad." He kissed her forehead and patted her cheek again.

She smiled and watched her grandfather go giving her head a shake. He was so different then the official way he was portrayed. He was the funniest person Ginny knew and loved practical jokes, a fact that was never shared with the public. He was the reason she had come back to England and put her studies on hold.

After her father's death, Grandfather had asked her to come home. She had been reluctant, wanting to go back to school but he had convinced her to stay with her family, not wanting her to fall into the same isolation she had when her mother had died.

This event was the first one she had attended in the three months since coming home, the only one she had really had an interest in doing. Unfortunately, now that she had been at an event she would have to be out more now, attending things with her cousins and grandfather.

An excited shiver ran up her spine. Soon she'd be at the after party and she could see Taron again. She felt a blush warm her cheeks as she thought about the night they had and a smile crept across her lips.

"Is that a smile?" Eddie startled her out of her thoughts, grabbing her in a hug and lifting her off the ground. "You were so good."

"Thank you darling." She said when he put her down.

"Should we grab Billy boy and head over to that party Paige has been planning for months?"

"Didn't you bring your own car with your own driver." She asked.

"I came with Paige and Jamie, but they're caught up talking to people and they'll be here forever chatting, and I desperately need some whisky."

"Let me just go get my coat and shoes then we can go."

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