Chapter three

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"I still can't believe you were asked to preform." Taron's mum said to him as they pulled up to the concert hall and drove to the underground parking garage.

"Well, I believe it. It's because you're so talented, but it's such an honour to have been asked by the King's grandchildren to preform in a charity concert." His mum looked at him with so much pride in her eyes.

"They didn't personally ask me, mum. They asked the ensemble from the movie to preform. It's all for press. He said modestly. "You've got your ticket and you know where you're meant to go, yeah?" He asked as the car stopped.

"Of course, love. You aren't too nervous, are you?" She asked, patting his cheek.

"Yeah, I'll be alright. I won't be out there alone for long." He was singing one of the songs from the movie that he preformed, then the cast had prepared a song that wasn't in the movie.

"Well, good luck then darling." They got out of the car and Taron hugged his mum before an usher helped to show her the way out of that parking garage and to the V.I.P viewing area he had managed to get her a ticket for.

Taron was actually very nervous once he went backstage to get ready. Everywhere around him were people he recognized, all extremely talent people.

He had been shocked when his agent had asked him if he was interested in the event, but it made sense that he was asked. The London premiere of 'Sing' was the following weekend so he was already in the city doing press along with his cast mates.

The event was organized by Paige, the Duchess of Kenaston, the wife of Prince James along with her husband, his brother and their cousin. His agent had described it as a celebrity talent show with most preforming musical numbers. He had heard a rumour that Bono, a good friend of the recently passed Prince Alfred,  would be doing a magic show at the request of Alfred's daughter, Princess Genevieve.

The whole show was an event to raise money for a bunch of charities that the Royal family supported, the majority were to benefit children. Taron had of course jumped at the opportunity, along with most from the movie.

Despite his nervous, he still found himself thinking of the girl from the night before rather then worrying about preforming well.

She was amazing. Her laugh rang in Taron's ears as he remembered  how giggly she had been as they stumbled into his hotel room. The way she pulled  him to her against the wall, their lips touching a vivid memory in his mind. Remembering  the taste of her lips made his lips water at the thought, both bitter and sweet at the same time. Her skin soft was against his as they lost more and more clothes on their way to the bed.

"There you are." A voice said bringing him back to the present.

"Hugh? I didn't know you'd be here." Taron hugged his dear friend, Hugh Jackman.

"I didn't think I'd be in town, but here I am. Prince James called and insisted that I come, I'll be singing and dancing. How are you, you singing?" They got into catching up, the bustle of the shows preparations swirled around them. It was helping Taron to remain calm.

Hugh was in the middle of a story when something sparkled and caught Taron's eye, he shifted his gaze from Hugh to where the sparkling was coming from. That's when he saw her. The girl from the night before.

Seeing her in this context Taron realized what an idiot he had been. She wasn't a girl named Katie. She was Princess Genevieve,  the granddaughter of the King of England.

"Would you excuse me?" Taron interrupted Hugh.

"Course, Mate. I've got to go get ready anyways, talk later?" Hugh said as Taron started to walk towards where she was. Taron waved in agreement and approached the Princess but he was blocked by a large man.

"Excuse me, could I have a moment to speak with you." He said loudly,  hoping she would hear him over all the voices backstage.

"Sorry sir, I'm going to have to ask you to back up." Her large body guard said. Luckily she looked up and noticed Taron being blocked by the large man.

"It's alright William. He's okay, I know him."   The guard  stepped aside and let Taron pass then he took a few steps away to give them privacy.

"Should I bow."

"I'd really rather you didn't." She said, a sheepish look on her face.

"So it's not Katie then."

"Ginny, and you?"

"Still Taron."

"Good. I liked him. Are you preforming?" She asked, seeming to only realize that he was in the performers area.

"Yeah. I'm with my cast mates, we're preforming songs from our movie. I'm a little nervous but it'll be good. You're also preforming?" He made the assumption based off the outfit which he guessed would he used in some sort of an ode to the Spice Girls.

"My cousins and I are opening the show, then I'm singing later alone."  She fiddled with the sparkles on her dress, "I'm sorry about this morning, just leaving like that." She looked around to make sure no one would over hear them.

"It's fine."

"It wasn't, it was quite awful of me to do that. You deserve way better." She touched his  arm quickly, then dropped her arm, looking around the room again.

" I should probably get on. The show will be starting soon." She started to walk away but turned back. "Will you be at the after party?" She asked. He nodded and she smiled. "Good, I'll see you later then."

I hope you guys are enjoying so far, more parts will be put up later!

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