Chapter seventeen

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A week later William still hadn't seen the man, but he promised her that he was going soon.

"You just worry about the state dinner tonight, let me worry about this man." He smiled at her while she sat in the make up chair.  "Have fun tonight." He bowed his head then left.

"Why do you want to see him so badly?" Paige asked, sitting in her own chair.

"I swear I heard him say Taron's name, and I need to know why." Ginny stood and wandered over to the table that had stuff for their lunch on it.

"That makes sense I guess." Paige joined her and looked at the table, "What do you suppose the boys are doing?" As she picked up a tiny cucumber sandwich.

"Not this." She pointed at the face mask they were both wearing. "I bet they're playing video games and eating Doritos."

A few hours passed and they were finally ready, getting a few finishing touches before they went.

Paige had on a pretty red gown, her dark hair was piled in a nice up do with the tiara she wore at her wedding rested on her head.

Ginny took one last look at herself in the mirror and admired the beautiful dark purple dress that had been made for her. She had chosen to wear her hair loose, with one of her grandmother's tiaras that her grandfather had insisted she wear.

They arrived at the Palace and took the pictures that they had too, then mingled with all the guests.

Ginny was pretending to listen when she noticed William had arrived, so she excused herself from the conversation and pulled him out to an empty hallway.

"So?" She asked.

"We should wait to talk about this. After."

"No, I need to know now. Please William."

"Fine. But you need to promise you won't cause a scene."

"I promise."

William sighed. "That man was a reporter for some one line trashy news site. Apparently your uncle Philipe  was paying him to write stories about you. He would tell him where you'd be so he could get pictures."

Ginny wasn't sure what to say. "You're sure?" She said finally.

"He had proof. Messages between the two. Your uncle wasn't very careful. When this reporter wanted more money to keep quiet, which your uncle wasn't going to pay."

Ginny wiped the single tear that had spilled over. "Why would he do that?"

"Jealousy, it appears."

"What does he have to be jealous about?"

William shrugged, "I couldn't tell you, Miss."

"I need to get out of here." She said, feeling like she was going to faint.

The door opened and Eddie came out to the hallway. "What's wrong? Are you alright?" He asked.

Ginny shook her head as some tears fell down her cheeks. She explained to him everything William had just told her.

"You should leave. Go find him." Eddie said once she finished.

"I can't just leave."

"Like hell you can't. You shouldn't let this control your life." Eddie grabbed her by her shoulders. "You deserve to be happy and if that inconveniences anyone they'll have to talk to me." Eddie kissed her forehead.

"Shall I get the car Miss?" William asked.

Ginny looked at Eddie and he gave her a nod. "Yeah, get it."

Moments later Eddie was helping Ginny get herself in the car, her dress making it difficult to do herself.

"Where do you think you're going?" Ginny's uncle Philipe came running down the stairs. "I knew that you both shouldn't have been invited, neither of you take anything seriously."

Her uncle had started to say something else but instead of letting him finish Eddie punch him in the face.

"Eddie!" Ginny tried to get out of the car.

"I'm fine." Eddie said, giving his fist a shake and wincing. "Go on, I think our dear uncle and I are going to be having a chat with grandad." He gave her a wave before looking down at his uncle in disgust.

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