Chapter thirteen

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In the months since Ginny and Taron had broken up Taron had tried to get over her, a task that he was finding near impossible. Everything reminded him of her. Anytime he caught a glimpse of red hair in the sunlight his heart skipped a beat.

It was a little bit easier now that he was on a press tour for his latest movie. He was busy, it helped to keep his mind off of her but when he was alone in his hotel room, all he could do was think of her. Think of how much fun she would have running in Central Park in the morning with him, or how she'd love to see a Broadway show.

Taron got through his last interview of the day on auto pilot. He smiled and laughed at the times he knew he was meant to, answered the questions he had been prepped for and plugged the movie. Once the camera was off he shook hands with the interviewer and waited while someone took the microphone off of him.

"You doing anything tonight?" Charlie, his costar asked.

"Probably just going to get an early night." Taron replied.

"A bunch of us are going out. You should join." Taron hesitated. "Come on. Just a few drinks with the lads."

"Yeah, fine." Taron finally agreed with a shake of his head.

They took the car that was waiting for them back to the hotel where they all congregated in the bar.

They all chatter away happily, drinking and laughing. Taron sat, not really into the whole thing now that he was here, wishing he was instead in his room.

"You should go talk to her." Charlie nudged Taron, taking him out of his day dream.


"That girl over there, she hasn't stopped staring at you since we walked in."

Taron was prodded until he finally gave in and went over. She flirted, he did his best at flirting back.

"Do you want to get out of here?" She asked, touching his hand and it was like she shocked him and he pulled his hand away.

"Listen. You're gorgeous. And I'm sure you're amazing person, but I just, it's complicated."

"Do you have a girlfriend or something?"


"But you did. And you still love her don't you."

"Yup." Taron said with a little bit of a chuckle.

"Then I'm going to leave before I embarrass myself anymore." She smiled and squeezed Taron's hand before taking her drink and leaving him alone at the bar.

He finished his drink in one sip then went over to his friends. "I'm going to head back to my room."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. I'm just tired. Long day and all." He patted Charlie's shoulder and went up to his room.

Once in his room he changed into his comfy clothes and turned on the television, the news playing softly while he went into the bathroom to get ready for bed. He was brushing his teeth when he glanced into the mirror and saw the reflection of the television. It was Buckingham palace. Taron grabbed the remote and listened to the report.

"It is with great sadness that the Royal family announces that the Queen has died at the age of ninety four. She passed peacefully in her sleep." Taron stopped listening, muting the television while he looked for his phone.

When he found it he saw that there were a bunch of missed calls, all from his mum. He quickly called her back.

"Darling, did you hear?" She asked as soon as she picked up.

"I just saw." He sat on the edge of his bed, the coverage still playing in the background.

"Poor Ginny." His mum said sadly. "You said they were close."

"Yeah, I imagine she's devastated." He said, feeling awfully sad himself. He liked the Queen, she was always very nice to Taron.

"Have you talked to her at all?" She asked.

"I haven't, it was made pretty clear that she doesn't want me to contact her." He thought back to the day shortly after their breakup that he was brought a non disclosure contract, which he signed quickly, despite Liz saying he should take some time. He wanted it signed and out of his life. He wasn't going to say anything about her, or her family because he loved her.

"I think you should send flowers, or something." She told him.

"Maybe.  Listen I'm pretty tired,so I think I'm going to go to bed. Love you."

"Love you."

He hung up and started to dial her number, then he stopped, then he started again. He sighed and tossed his phone to the other bed and ran his hands through his hair, laid back and closed his eyes, sleep coming instantly.

Hi guys. Sorry I wasn't around. I lost my inspiration but I think I've found it again. It really does help me to see your comments though!! So please like and comment! When I see them it lets me know people are liking what I'm writing.

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