Chapter sixteen

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After a few months everything fell back into the regular swing of things. The nation still mourned the Queen, as did Ginny and her family, but they were learning to live.

Ginny now accompanied her grandfather to most of his events, while also attending her own. His strength amazed her she thought as they waited for some cars to take them to the Church for the wedding.

Her cousin Bridgette was getting married, making Ginny and Eddie the last two of the cousins to get married. Like Camille, Bridgette had found a son of a wealthy son of a Duke, much to her father's delight.

The wedding wasn't going to be on the same scale as Jamie and Paige's wedding, but it was certain to be the society wedding of the year. Anyone who was anyone was invited, a mix of celebrity and members of the peerage, as well as the entire royal family. Ginny's uncle had tried, like he had with Camille's wedding, to have foreign ministers attend, but again the King had declined to invite them.

The entire Royal family, including Bridgette were at the palace and would all be leaving at the same time in different cars. The procession of cars was to follow. Camille, her husband and her mother would leave in the first car. Then would be Eddie and his mother, then Jamie, Paige and uncle Henry, then the King and Ginny. Ginny was meant to ride with Eddie and her aunt but, since the Queens death Ginny had become a sort of acting Queen, always with her grandfather. Behind them would be the bride and her father. Her uncle's displeasure at Ginny's place in the procession was clear but ignored by the King.

"Grandad, can I ask you something?" Ginny asked while they drove. The streets where lined with people who were waving, so Ginny and her grandfather waved back. This was usual when they went places in a procession like this.

"Of course darling."

"I don't mean to offend you with this question, but do you ever think to pass the crown on the Uncle Henry and just live the rest of your life in peace? You could go to Scotland and just relax, not have yo worry about everything and everyone."

He thought a moment, the smile never leaving his face while he waved to the people, "I have, dear. But I made a promise when I was crowned that I would serve my country for as long as I lived."

"Does it not just get exhausting?"

"It does. That's why I was so lucky to have found your dear Gran. She was my rock." He took his eyes off the crowd and turned to her, and patted her hand. "I never apologized to you." He said.

"For what?"

"For Taron. He was a good lad and he made you smile. I sorry that you were made to feel that you had to break up with him, for the family's sake and for the sake of his career. The press was very unkind to you both."

"Thank you Grandad." She said, unsure what else she should say. They rode the rest of the way in silence, waving to the people the rest of the short way.

They arrived and as they left there was tremendous cheers and people shouting their names, hers being the loudest. They gave a quick wave and headed inside the Church and went to their seats.

The wedding was long and boring but Ginny got to sit next to Eddie on one side and Paige on the other.

When it finally ended they all went to watch the newlyweds drive off. The crowd erupted with cheers again and Ginny ignored all the calling of her name and kissed her cousin on the cheek and offered her congratulations.

"Princess Ginny, Princess Ginny!" A strange man ran up to them and tried to grab Ginny, but was stopped by William and tackled to the ground. There were screams and Eddie pulled Ginny back into the church while they let the bodyguards and the police deal with the man. Before the door was shut she could hear him shouting about a set up or something of that likes.

"Wait, what was he saying?" Ginny tried to open the door but Eddie stopped her.

"What are you doing? That guy lunged at you."

"But he was saying something." She pushed past him and opened the door.

"Are you alright Princess?" William asked when he saw her.

"I'm fine, where's that man?" She asked.

"Don't worry, he's been taken away." He lead her to her car.

"I want to speak to him." She said as she got in the backseat.

"That's not happening." He said with a laugh.

"He was saying something about a set up, and I swear I heard him say Taron's name."

"I'm taking you to the reception." Ginny started to protest but he held up his hand, "And I'll go speak to him."

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