Chapter seven

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Taron woke up to sunlight in his eyes and groaned. He tried to think of a time when he had been more hung over then he was in this moment, but he failed. Prince Edward sure knew how to throw a party. Once his eyes adjusted he looked around. Him and Ginny were asleep in one of the guest rooms Eddie had in his apartment in the large estate.

"Are you awake?" Ginny asked. " because we need to talk about something." She sat up and sat crossed legged, Taron's striped sweater from the night before sliding off her shoulder and her red hair was a mess.

"What is it?" Taron replied. His heart was pounding hard, he suspected that he knew what it was about.

"I spoke to my grandfather yesterday. He asked me to stay."

"And do what?" Taron pushed himself up to a seated position,

"Stay and be a full time princess. Do events, be a patron for different charities, all the stuff Eddie and Jamie do."

"What did you say?"

"I said I'd think about it."

"And have you?"

"I wanted to ask your opinion."

This surprised Taron." I don't think I can give it to you." He replied after thinking for a second.

"Why not?"

"Because I obviously want you to stay. But, I don't want you to put your life on hold because I asked you to."

Ginny thought about this, her brows furrowed as she leaned forward, resting her head against Taron.

"What's on your mind?" Taron asked, not wanting to pry, but also wanting to know what was going through her head.

"I think I want to stay, at least until September." She said. "If I absolutely miss it, I could go back, right?" 

"Right. " He said, twirling a strand of her auburn hair around his finger. "You could take classes here, couldn't you?"

"I'd have to look into it, but I could probably manage that." She replied, swatting Taron away. He had moved from playing with her hair to kissing her neck.

"What?" He pouted.

"We should go have breakfast. Paige and Jamie invited us to breakfast at their cottage. You brought a change of clothes?"

"I certainly did."

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