Chapter nineteen

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"This is exhausting." Taron groaned as he flopped next to Ginny on their bed. They had been back in London for about three months. Their engagement had been announced almost immediately after they had returned.  "Why does planning a wedding have to be so insane." She had been working on plans for the wedding before he had left for the gym and was still working when he got back.

"I agree." Ginny didn't look up from her computer. She was looking over the guest list that had been sent over and it was making her head hurt.  "They want to invite so many people."

Taron scooted over so he could look at the screen with her. "Surely all these people were at your cousins weddings?"

"Jamie's yes, the others, no." She groaned now and leaned her head against Taron's shoulder. "This is insane. I just want to get married to you."

"Then let's just get married."

"Like elope?"

"Why not?"

"Exactly. Why not just elope?" She shut her computer. "Let's just get married now. Your mum, dad and sisters are here, my family's here. Let's just do. "

Taron sat up, "Are you serious?"


"God, I love you." Taron kissed her on her forehead.

By noon Ginny and Taron were at the palace along with their families. Ginny was wearing that green dress Taron loved and he had on his favourite blue suit.

"Hello everyone." Taron announced when they walked hand in hand into the room where they were all having afternoon tea. "Ginny and I have an announcement." He said. He had the attention of the room, so he paused to give the moment a little more drama. Only two other people in the room knew of the plan, so he wanted to make sure it was a dramatic reveal.

"We're getting married. "Taron said finally.

"Old news." Eddie said from his spot on the sofa, his comment made Taron's younger sisters giggle.

"Today. Right now. Grandad is preforming the ceremony."

"Oh my god." Taron's mum jumped up and came to hug them both. "Another daughter." She said, patting Ginny's cheek and hugged her tight again.

"Are you ready to start?" Grandad asked. He was beaming with happiness as he looked at the two of them.

Taron looked at Ginny and without doubt knew they were ready for their happily ever after.

                                                                                            The end

A/N this is the end! Sorry to all of you that were actively reading when I stopped working on this for a while, I got side tracked with a Tom Holland obsession (check out that story called Galway Girl)  also, I'm not at all sure if the king or queen of England would be able to preform a wedding ceremony but it's just pretend so it doesn't matter anyway!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2017 ⏰

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