Meeting You All Over Again -Chapter 1-

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Hi guys. This will be one of my first fan fictions. I was writing another one, but I never came to the point to write more. Anyways, Here it goes! Enjoy!

The First Day Of School: I am so excited to go back to school! Today is my first day of my last year of High School. I can't really believe it's been 3

1/2 years since I started High School. But other than that today I will get to see my best friends.

A few hours later I get off the bus and enter the school. It feels so long since registration! Even though it was 3 weeks ago.

After I get everything out of my locker I check and see what class I have. First I have English. I found out my spot is by this guy, -who is kinda cute- his name is James. I remember him from last year, he was one of the new kids in the spring time, I thought I'd hate him, but he seems pretty cool!

After my first hour I found out I had my second hour with James, and he sits behind me. Now I'm going to have to get used to this for a few weeks, but I don't think I can...

~A Few Weeks Later~

It is now October 3, this week we have spirt week this week!! I am so excited for the end of this week because we have homecoming for our High School and I get to go.

I am planning to go with Michelle, she he's a lot nicer and caring then my other best friend Shanna.

But anyway off to school!

In math -Which I also had with James- someone shouted out something very Interesting to me; "HEY SAMANTHA JAMES LIKES YOU!!!!" I sat there screaming inside my head. He really likes me?

James POV:

It is true. I do like her but I don't know if I can bring myself to tell her. I do have a girlfriend but I just don't know. Maybe I should wait a while?

Ugh I just can't do this!

She's just so beautiful.....

Samantha POV:

The person I never thought I'd like.. Or like me, Likes Me... And I don't know maybe I like him, I'll just have to wait....

The next week I spent telling my friends about this, because they still think I like someone else, but that person I am totally over. So the first person I told was Michelle. It was around the time we were running on the track, and she took it pretty well.

Samantha's POV:

I was about to tell Michelle about James... Well, here it goes...

"Hey Mich, Ya Know..Um I'm over Timmy Now... I like someone else!" I said nervously. "His name starts with a J.."

Michelle's POV;

Wow... I can't believe Samantha Is over Timmy, she's liked him for nearly a Year. But anyway, I was thinking of who she likes... Jacob...? Jerimiah..? Josh..? Oh!!! It's... James!!!!! I screamed AWW!!! Sammi!!! You like James!!!

I smiled.


And he likes me...

~The Next Day~

We got new seats in class today, and I don't sit next to James anymore, but I sit by the new girl, and Her name is Bailey. She is tall, Blonde, and has glasses. Maybe I should be friends with her!

"Hi.." She said shyly.

"Hey! are you the new girl?" I said brightly.

"Yes!! And I kinda sit alone at lunch... I was wondering if I could sit with you tomorrow."

I smiled "Of Course! We always welcome new people!"

Soon enough I introduced her to all my friends; and my so called 'best friend' Shannon, didn't take it well.... She even sounded jealous.

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