Prom? ~Chapter 51~

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Today is the day that all seniors are looking forward to, Prom. Even though I haven't been asked to Prom, It would be crazy for a senior not to go. But until then, I have to bare with going to class..

It is 2nd Period, History. I sit down next to a really nice girl, she seemed sweet, she says "Good-morning! So are you going to prom tonight?"
I nod happily. "Are You?"
She smiles. "Of course! I'm going with my boyfriend Kyle."
"Aww, That's Cute. My boyfriend can't go.. We're a grade apart."
"Aww. Well that's sad."


Our history teacher, Mrs.Ferguson, Shouts at our very loud class to quiet down as James' friends are yelling at each other from across the room.

"Okay Class we have 2 Minutes till the Bell rings make sure you Turn in your class worksheet! Have a great night at prom!"

When the bell rings everyone swarms out of the class like Bees. When I get into the hallway and to my locker, George comes up to me by behind and kisses my cheek.
"Hey Baby. How's school goin'?"
I smile. "Great. So much end of the year deadlines, but still great."
He smiles, but as soon as he is able to talk a girl from his class interrupts; "Hey George! You're dating a Senior? How odd. You'd be better off with me."
George groans "Come on Eliza, Back off I don't give a shit. I love her more than your Bitchy ass."

My eyes widened. "George.. Yo-" He stops me. "What? Is it bad to Stand up For my girlfriend?"
I nod and lean in to kiss him. "Not at all. Now I gotta go Babe. I love you."


It was finally the end of the day and me and My friends grabbed our prom stuff from our locker, and We headed outside to a big surprise in the parking lot.

A Limo.

I've never been In a limo before and I couldn't believe I actually get to ride in one.
Now it's off to My friends house to prepare for Prom!

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