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"Tripped and fall,
But I'll always get back up,
With a slightly broken heart."



Why did my life became this way, with an family who don't care and friends, that can't trust me?

I'm not perfect, he told me. I'm weak, he showed me. But I'm trying to live and nobody can see. Is my life a cycle, that leads straight back to constant pain?

In the eyes of on outsider, I have the perfect family. A mother, who doesn't help.
A father, who's rarely there, and two older brothers, who don't notice my pain.

Perfect family.

Then why am I speed walking home, in the night, from the 24 hours supermarket with bags full of groceries and thinking of the pot on the stove, that won't wait for me?

I'm basically a mother before my time...

That's ironic, he tried to do the same years before...

That's when a hand wrapped around my stomach, then another, my mouth. Into an alley I went, without a single struggle.


Updates every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

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