E p i l o g u e

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Letting go isn't forgetting, it's releasing the pain that's tied to those memories.


Six months later:

“I'm sorry.”

Within the comforting hold of the siblings, my body still shake slightly, as I stared at Dimitri— my second worse nightmare.

A gasped bubbled through when Adam's kissed my temple softly, before whispering lowly for me to be strong, while Amy's small hand tighten in mine.

Sighing while running a palm through his hair in desperation, Dimitri stood mumbling with his head downcast while exiting the room,

“This was an bad idea, I shouldn't have come.”

“I—I...for—give you.”

Dimitri swung on his heels, ocean blues sparkling with surprise and happiness from my words. I only hope I made the right choice, while he thank me profusely with a bright smile now plastered onto his face.

He even attempted to hug me but I unconsciously jump in fright. Immediately Adam pull me closer, calming me instantly.

“Didn't I tell you to keep your distance, idiot?”

A nervous chuckle was all I heard, as my face is now buried into Adam chest, while he gently rub my back in a soothing manner.

“Sorry, sorry.” Dimitri sheepishly grinned.

“Just— don't do that again.”

—With that, Amy's seventh birthday party continued without an interruption of bad memories that haunts me, during the day and night.


As the sun set, slowly sinking behind the mountains casting an orange-y glow in the living room where we gathered around a small, glass center table.

This is where I speak up about my rescue, for the first time in six months.

“...Can someone tell me, where you guys got weapons?”

All eyes went directly to Dimitri, who blush slightly under the pressure of gaining everyone's attention. Coughing awkwardly after Joshua nudged him, the redness left his face as he spoke up on the mystery— I didn't know was on everyone's mind.

“My older brother is in a gang, I told him what happened. He gave me bags full of weapons without a second thought.”

“Damien is in a gang?” from beside him Jess— who's been holding pity within her orbs for me, ever since Adam brought me home six months ago, question her boyfriend. Her voice laced with astonishment.

Dimitri quietly intertwine his fingers with hers, before kissing her palm and continuing,

“He's the leader, but don't worry, he's keep me out of the eyes of any other gang. To them, he have no family.”

She nodded mutely, visibly relaxing to his words, while Adam speaks up from my side.

“I need to thank him then, personally. When can I meet him?”

Breaking eye contact with Jess, Dimitri eyes locked with mine, before drafting across to Adam's, who's most likely glaring at him.

“You can't crybaby, he's on the run. I don't know where he is now.”

“I told y—”

His words came to an halt as I kissed his cheek, causing Alex to gush over us, while Adam face sets a flame, Amy runs away shouting cooties and everyone else, laugh at the sight.

Flabbergasted​, Adam turned towards me whispering, with the most loving look within his evergreens.

“What was that for?”

I smiled shyly at this reaction, pushing the bad thoughts away as the space between grew smaller.

“So what? I can't kiss my boyfriend without an reason.”

Softly, his thumb rubbed my cheek then traced my lips, before forest greens flicker up to my chocolate browns.

“C—Can... I kiss you...?”

Without replying, I pulled him closer, pressing my lips against his while ignoring Dimitri's cry of his eyes, that burns.

Spin-off anyone?

I already started a book, I just need the ok to tie those two together!

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