t h i r t y f o u r

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"For the one you love, impossible become possible."


One week before:

Like an continuum, you keep slipping through my fingers like sand and no matter how hard I try, your feelings are forever played with by someone who shouldn't be hurting you.

Now here I am back at the starting point, with an emotionless Queen captured by her obsesser. Even after two weeks of rebirth and growth of their new soul, formed from endless speeches and pleads, I'm left alone, missing her warmth.

Missing the one, that was becoming mine...

With my back against lockers just as dull as my soul, I cried for her. I cried for the heartbreaking sacrifice she made and the bravery and strength shown, even after all the pain she experienced.

Then, someone touched my shoulder and evergreens connected with ocean blues I wasn't expecting to see again...

"...I'm not going to fight you again, Dimitri."

Without words, he pushed aside and slam his fist against a locker, my locker, that open instantaneously on contact and out came Emily's bag.

And before I can even ask how he knew or why he's helping me, Dimitri spoke. Stopping all the thoughts in its tracks and giving me hope once again.

"Emily have a plan and I got an idea of what it is, but I need you to trust me, just this once."

I could only stared on as someone from behind spoke up.

"So, what's the plan?"

-There lay my mother, Amy and five helpers from before...

Plot twist!

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