t h i r t e e n

94 11 17

Don't put off what you can today, for tomorrow, that can lead to mistakes and sorrow.


As the song of the final bell of the day call, you began walking- no, scampering, away from the place that confines us for forty hours each week.

Grasping your hand, I pulled you towards, causing whispers from the crowd gathered around, that grew louder with every added soul.

But I paid it no mind.

“Emily, aren't we starting today?”

Your dark browns locked with my forest greens and widen in slight surprise, to the mentioning of your name, before all was masked. From them and me.

“No Adam, not today.”

Your forearm attempted to escape, but your feelings was the real escapee. That's why I didn't let you go...

“We're starting today, but where?”

Nervous. That you were to a mere question on position.

But why?

Who's controlling you Emily?

“Study at mine? all my books are there, I can cook something, or buy maybe. It's up to you really.”

Your unique browns glow in content- to my suggestion and avoidance of your home, that others believe is dull and lifeless.

But I don't.

Not one bit.

I'm on vacation... kinda, so expect crazy amount of updates!

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