t h i r t y t h r e e

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"Only through harsh times you wonder, why do I keep battling on..."


One week later:

Repeatedly, he claimed me. Over and over until salted tears can no longer fall and my emotions, don't waver as I became one with the darkness known as Jaden.

At first, I prayed for Adam to arrive. With an sword and shield, here comes my fighting knight but now, as my eyes drift close while he groan above me, I pray for a life that I can control.

A life I can only gain, in the afterlife...

So I waited until he finished claiming the shell of his younger cousin, whispering about love that I'll never return and left the prison inside a house, which once was called home.

Then, with a mind clouded with dreams of an paradise and flashbacks of all stripped away from me, I grabbed the weapon of mass destruction he used to capture this Queen turned prisoner, and direct it towards Emily Winter, but it wasn't my reflection.


-Then hell converted into heaven.


The End?

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