t h i r t y n i n e

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Life is a book. Your book. So love living before you reach the back cover.


Present time:

Finally we were ready— Joshua, Dimitri and myself, loaded with weapons that we learnt how to used by the copycat himself, and most importantly we had a location. That's if I process her riddle correctly.

She's somewhere underground in her grandparents' home.

And so we waited until night fall fell, covering this side of the world in a sheet of darkness, before we went for war, blending into the darkness around us.


We ran, dashing through the tall coconut trees decorating the front yard. Three distinctive barks forbids us from entering through the side door, we saw from afar.

Quickly, we made our own route, away from the dogs we venture on the opposite side, jumping over walls and using a tree and some rope to reach in the back balcony.

“I swear if the front door was open, I'll kill you.”

I ignore his panting words, before quietly twisting the handle of the back door, internally praying it open.


Releasing the breath I didn't know I was holding, we enter the partially spacious kitchen.

“Where's the basement?”

Without a word, Joshua took the lead, going further into the house of Emily's grandparents. Into an back room we quietly creep into, with our weapons tightly grasped.

Pushing another side door, Joshua turned on the flashlight on his gun before speaking up for the first time in days, while walking down the unlit hallway.

“Emily grandfather showed me this when I was just a kid,”

The hallway expanded into an regular size bedroom, that was strangely bare of an any furniture, paint or a door.

“It was built for safety reasons, there's an secret door hidden behind these walls, I just can't remember where.”

“Well ain't that just great, secret doors and shit, that's exactly what we need.” Dimitri huffed.

“Would you shut up and start looking." I said frustrated, releasing my grip on my gun before approaching a walk and touching each brick, hoping something opens.

“Looking for what? there's nothing here you idiot!”

That was his only words, before Dimitri lend back against a wall that swung open immediately with great force, that hit against the wall, blowing our cover.

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