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I can't begin to assimilate what is happening, I've been here a million times before. I've felt the hurt that was bubbling up from the nethermost of my soul, I've been here!

All I asked for was a love life that wasn't perfect, but perfect enough that he would stay, I would stay...

But instead, I am leaving, instead... I am not staying, I am leaving because I can't...

Handle it.

Is it normal for a relationship to have this many issues?

How many problems are enough?

How hot do the arguments need to be before you no longer need a hose?

Before you no longer need to stay?

How many issues?

How hot?

How long before you no longer need to stay to get chewed... then spat to the side?

Because you know what? I love him, I love him so freaking much... and I don't want to give up on him.

But what if I need to?


"Baby look at me..."

I could never do this if it wasn't face to face, so I needed to call him over so I could... maybe I just needed to see his face.

I know it might make it even harder, but I think I owe him a face to face breakup. Not just for him, but for me, to really see if I'm doing the right thing.

I had his attention but I broke away the connection, looking around at anything but him. To calm me down enough to do the hardest thing I ever had to do.

"How are you going to tell me to look at you when you won't look at me, what is this even about?"

I really needed something out of him... something that could make this easy for me, except I got the usual.

The defensive side of him, the side that won't touch me unless he knows that I am not blaming him for something he did...that he's later not going to admit to.

"The way you talked to me the other day, you... you were just so hostile towards me..."

"This always happens, this-"

I don't know if it was because he sounded like he needed to be somewhere else, instead of talking about this... but he rudely interrupted me and I was getting fired up.

"Look, I already told you that I can't help it... if this is the only place this convo is headed th-"

"What do you mean you can't help it?!"

"Are you freaking kidding me right now?!"

He ran his hand through his hair, and looked to the ceiling in mild frustration, then his eyes landed on me. That's when I knew I wasn't going to get anything out of him.

Now I know that I really have to leave, I can't carry on like this.

I sighed. I looked at him as if I was trying to remember why I loved him, I saw reasons to stay.

I don't know where they came from... or even if they were reasons to begin with.

But I saw somebody that I love...

So I walked over to the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

I shook my head as if I was saying no, tears started to spill and he looked away from me. I looked up at him with my hand against his chest... I wanted him to see how much I love him, how much he's hurting me.

I breathed in willing the tears not to come back, I breathed out the name I liked to call him.


He looked at me, my tears were gone... but new ones started to spill, when I remembered the first day those same eyes looked at me.

--------❤------Authors Note------❤------

Are you excited for this story?

I know I am 🙌

Thank you for giving this book a chance.

If you look within yourself, you will find the answers to everything...you just need to listen 💕


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