⭐Chapter 23: Circadian Rhythm⭐

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I have a raft of thoughts running through my mind, but it's a new day to stir things up and drench him in it... not really, but I do need to stir up some things between us... today and today only.

I won't say he could be defined only by the liar that locked his name in the cell of his mind, because let's face it.

Our day out, mentioned last night. Was one he had planned, because he had gotten used to the fact that my mind can only handle the likes of a calming surrounding.

Although it was only a memory, taken from my diary. It was quiet recent, meaning the day before yesterday.

I didn't want to flip that far in my diary.

He had kept his cool about the likes of my aunts boyfriend after the day I told him, though he might've tripped up once or twice.

But recently, was the only time it had gotten that far.

I feel him stirring, he's about to let his eyes meet the morning... kind of. My aunt won't be back until later, I have a few things I need to handle so that I won't... no longer have the respect I need from the man I call mine.

What better way to show that I'm the boss than to wake him, before he's fully awoken.


I shook him, feeling a need to be closer to him as my hands touch his skin. My body needs him just as much as I need food in my stomach right now, but I need to straighten things out.

I'll say that I'm in the mood to be evil, do you know those wonderful moments where someone wakes you up... but then they leave you for a while, you start to think that it was just your imagination and you start to sink into yourself... into a longer slumber?

He won't get to enjoy that any longer.

"Shawn wake up, I'm serious."

I didn't have to touch him this time, he turns to face me. I raise my eyebrows to communicate that I would like it better if he was sitting up.

"Babe, look I'm not... In the mood for an argument, it's too early."

In that little pause, he yawned. I briefly remember how I thought he wasn't human, even though he's flesh and bones interacting with me.

The only time his explanations of anything were long enough to amount to three paragraphs as the starting of a chapter, was when he had met my aunt.

Although we had been together for almost two years, it hadn't changed much. He just became more comfortable laughing in ways that weren't modified, as is usually the case when you are just getting to know someone you like a lot.

He couldn't tell that it is early because the blinds are closed, but his arms aren't covered and the heater isn't on.

Let's blame it on his Circadian Rhythm.

"How is the fact that it is early any different? you don't like me trying to cause an argument in the afternoon either, so what is your point?"

"And besides... I'm... not really trying... to cause an argument."

He continues to sober up from his sleepy state by getting up and stretching, his masculinity shots right up at this point, and I'm having slight issues with what I wanted to cover.

He goes into the bathroom and I use this time to get myself together.

I try not to trip over my own feet as I occupy myself with fixing the bed, but he comes back in and messes it up again. 

"No need to murder me in your mind pretty lady... but seriously babe, why fix the bed when you are just going to mess it up again?"

I don't like when my bed is kept messy, I could be coming into my room...very briefly for something, and as soon as I cast my eyes on something out of place.

The whole room will end up looking like a storm passed through it, even if it's just one thing... I end up forgetting what I came for and leaving the room without it.

Why would I want to continue to experience that?

I was about to speak but he stops me, by placing his hands on my arms. This will get me to listen, because I like to communicate with hand movements.

"We won't be leaving this room for now, and even when we do... I will be doing it, so chill."

My eyes decides to admire him. Just as random as that day at the Montmartre, my mind no longer register needing complete respect as worthy of being at the top of my list.

All I see, is dark marbles. A man a little taller than I am... just a little. Dark skinned and with that strong neck that helps his masculinity.

Those veins running through his arms like a snake under his skin, but on mine... It's nothing but simple, flat and with color.

"Baby, could you uhh... step back a little."

Instead of doing that, he goes to sit on the bed that is nearly the way it was when we got off it.

"That works too."

Just like the way most men sit, that is how he's sitting on my bed... knees apart. Except I'm not going to be standing between them.

"Remember our day at the Montmartre, when you kind of... we kind of had an argument?"

He isn't looking at me, I don't expect him to get over it... especially little after that day, but this just gives me all the more reasons to talk about it.

He runs his hand through his little short twist, that I did. He wanted to grow his hair out for a change, but he thought I wouldn't like it.

So well... here we are, whatever he plans to do with his hair, I'm always going to like it... not because I'm his lady, but because I've already fallen for him.

There's not much he could do to suddenly become unattractive to me.

"That isn't germane right now babe... and I don't like when you want to stay in the past, and you know that."

He's walking back over to me now, my hand slightly reaching out to stop him from getting closer.

"You aren't being the man I asked of you, and whether I've said this before or not... this isn't how you build a happy relationship, Shawn!"

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