⭐Chapter 27: Musee du louvre⭐

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I laugh to myself, shaking my head at the path my life has taken. I remember, almost not so clearly... the thoughts I had when I first came here.

A new world was it? one that I could enjoy, one that I could use to hide away from a curse only destined for me, in it's own distinctive way.

Surely what her boyfriend said to her didn't make any sense, maybe it's just so he could test if her insecurities were still blinding her. He smokes so my only option is to believe that he could possibly be...deep.

It sounds so weird, addressing her as she, even though it didn't bother me when I was angry.

I was a page he had written on but I guess the words are fading, I should be needing him to come back but I don't.

A palimpsests is what I am, and someone will write over his fading words, not so scared to let another inside my world.

I need something that I'm not attached to, and in the process I will detach. Sure I'd hurt whoever, but should I really care?

It's all about me, I trusted my aunt to not let anything come between us and screw up the way she treats me. I trusted Shawn to not feel out of place and be there to receive my anger and I, but what did he do? he left.

Sure, he didn't leave me. But he left the situation, I say he might as well have left me. Let's see, he's not willing to communicate the fact that my aunts boyfriend is still resting on his heart.

Plus he's really not ready for me and my personalities, not that I'd like anyone else to be... I just don't want the commitment, that'll only make me feel disappointed again.

I've always known there was something different about me, and every time I tried to reach out and find the answer... life would always knock me down and there would be a new hell to bare.

I've never been around anyone that was open minded, people only believe what they experience. But the fact that you haven't seen Satan, does that make him fake?

Who the hell is making your life a living hell? who is the one telling you that to molest or rape a child is the way to go?!

Who the hell is planting the will to kill in the minds of the willing?

Who? be real.

It's not the time to preach or to get angry, I need to get out... I need to go out. I need to be gone for a while.

The only thing that could heal me temporarily, is the Musee Du Louvre.


I could hear the cars behind me after crossing over to walk to the pyramid entrance of  the Louvre.

The sky is milky and the area is filled with chatter, groups of people branching off into different directions. I use my eyes to create a line between them, so that the the groups that are in a straight line...but apart from each other in the opposite  direction, could stretch this invisible line the further apart they walk.

I felt the need to blank out for some reason, and that drew unnecessary attention my way, not by most of these people... just one, this man walking towards me.

"êtes vous perdu?"

"Are you lost?"

I look up at whoever this is, I realize that he has shoulder length brown hair, blue eyes... and a scar on the left of his forehead and left cheek.

He gives me a slight toothless smile to show me that it is ok to talk to him and that he doesn't at all... bite.

This is when I realise that the scar on his left cheek looks like a dimple when he smiles, whatever happened to him, was definitely a blessing and not a curse even though I know the process must've been painful.

"Je ne suis pas perdu."

"I'm not lost."

I gave him a fake smile, not because I didn't like what I see or that he's a bit of a creep to me. I'm still trying to forget about my aunt and Shawn, and seeing that I just got here... that won't exactly go away just like that.

He nods and starts to walk alongside me, that's when I realise my feet are moving.

"Pourquoi tu es triste?"

"Why do you look so sad?"

If only it was easy to hide my troubles from my face, it is one of those art I haven't and also will not master.

"Je ne pense pas que c'est quelque chose que vous avez besoin de savoir."

"I don't think that is anything you need to know."

All this French is making me miss my mother tongue, although it's a beautiful language, I want to revert back to English.

I doubt I'd be spending  anymore time with him after this, to fall properly in love with the language and even to become more comfortable in speaking it.

"Par hasard, vous parlez anglais?"

"By chance, do you speak English?"

He smiles in understanding whilst he nods his answer, for some reason I'm not shy around him, especially when I notice that he seems to be drawing a liking towards me.

"So what's your name?"

I stop walking as soon as we reach some stairs, I already see a few sculpture's and the noise is a bit hushed here.

"My name ahhh, Gaston... and... yours?"

His accent burns through, you might be thinking why am I not feeling anything, but maybe the moment hasn't called for it yet.

Besides, we are in a museum filled with a lot of people and I already feel like going home... perhaps if we stay right here and ignore the rest of the museum, I could actually stay longer.

"Gaston, hmm... I like that, you can call me Ann."

He puts his hands in his pocket and suggest with his eyes that we walk up the stairs. Whatever this thing is, with four legs and a human head, we just passed it and now we enter a different area.

We feast our eyes on Venus de Milo, half naked as usual. I'm not completely oblivious, that four legged thing just decided to embarrass me.

Anyways...behind venus de milo , are brown walls with little accents of white paint. But this only comes up until a certain point, it doesn't meet the ceiling...it goes into cream, a separation of two different designs.

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