It's For The Best.(Chapter Twenty Nine)

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It's been four month since I brought Jason home and everything was working out with me and Jason but me and Justin was a different story. He hasn't been home that much and when he is he sleeps all day and we only see each other when Jase wakes up in the middle of the night and I see him sleeping on the couch because he didn't get in till three in the morning. It was 4:45am and I heard Jason crying I moved him into his own room but he doesn't sleep in there a lot just when I'm not in bed at a reasonable time, I climbed out of bed and went in his nursery it was a light grey and st the top of the walls before the ceiling was a line of baby blue is was very classy, I had pictures of him and us but not to many. I picked him up and took him downstairs with Major right behind me I turned on the light and I guess I woke Justin up because he shot up off the couch I rolled my eyes and sat in the recliner.

You can go upstairs and sleep. Jase woke up and he is hungry.

I started to breast feed him, Justin sat down on the couch.

No it's fine I haven't seen him today.

Or the past three days.

What does that mean.

I looked down at Jason and smiled then looked back up at Justin.

It means he needs his father. I didn't know I would be raising our son as a single mother Justin.

I'm sorry I have been busy.

What partying? Getting tattoos? What is more important than your family?

He looked down at his feet because he knew I was right. I turned on E News from today and they were showing Justin leaving a night club with some of his friends I looked down at Jason who was looking up at me he pulled away which meant he was full, I fixed my bra and shirt and got up and walked him over to the second changing table. I was changing his diaper when Justin walked over.

Let me help.

Why now?

Because I'm his father.

Well I'm the mother who has been here for him everytime he cries.

I finished changing his diaper and picked him up and placed him in his swing with his pacifier.

Anna you can't kick me out of his life.

You didn't need help with that. You did that all yourself Justin.

I pushed past him and walked in the kitchen to get a bottle of water I turned around and Justin was standing there where I couldn't get out.

Justin move.


Please move my son needs me.

He's fine, and he is OUR son Anna.

Well he isn't to fimilar with your face.

And I'm sorry for that.

Don't tell me that, I have no problem raising him on my own. He's the one who needs his father.

Anna I'm sorry okay? I screwed up please just-

No Justin you are the one who screwed us all up and I Love you but this is not healthy.

He took my face in his hands and looked at me with sad eyes.

Please don't say that Anna. I Love you so much.

Me and Jason are going to Panama tomorrow. I have some friends there and Major is coming with me. I have some photo shoots down there and interviews too.

Are you leaving me?

We need time apart Justin.

No we don't!

I didn't expect him to yell which made me jump and I could feel the tears about to fall, I placed my hands on his waist and my head on his chest he stood there with his hands on my waist I finally looked up at him.

Baby please just stay here. I didn't mean to yell... I'm just frustrated.

i know baby. But smoking weed isn't what I or Jason needs.

I know but...

Justin your not ready for a family and it's okay. But me and Jase are letting you find yourself okay baby.

He looked down at me he was about to say something but shut his mouth.

Baby I smoked only twice I don't drink or anything. But next time you see me I will be a better Justin okay?

That's what I want to hear baby.

He leaned down and kissed me I wrapped my arms around his neck he pulled me closer to him without breaking the kiss he placed me on the counter. I wrapped my legs around him I pulled away and smiled at him I was about to kiss him again but Jason started crying.

Let me get him baby. Okay?


He walked in there and picked him up I love seeing him with him but he isn't ready to give up his party life so this is why I'm taking Jason to Panama. It's for the best right now. This isn't healthy for Jason to see me always upset and me and Justin both unhappy.

Author's Note: I know a little short but awe poor... EVERYBODY!!! Xoxox.

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