My Life Is Complete.(chapter thirty-one)

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I stayed with Justin that night I woke up and got up and walked over to the bathroom when I walked out Justin was propped up on his elbow.

You know you look real good in my shirt.

I looked down and I was wearing his shirt with a pair of my underwear since I didn't wear pants to bed, I grinned over to him and walked over to him.

Well thank you I love being in your clothes.

Well you can wear them anytime you want.

Does that mean your ready for a family?

Baby I'm more than ready, change me.

I thought you would never ask.

I sat on his lap with his hands on my legs and mine on his shoulders.

I know one letting you and out son walk out of that house was the biggest mistake I could have made. We can move out into a somewhat smaller house if you want but I want to stay in California.

Okay baby we can live in California but lets move to Malibu or somewhere?

Anywhere is fine with me.

I leaned into him and kissed him he tightened his grip on my legs and bit my lip I gladly let him in we were making out when he laid me on the bed and he was in stop of me. He pulled away and looked down at me.


I want to hold my son.

Well get dressed and let's go get him.

You mean it?!

Justin your his father I want us to be a family.

So do I babygirl. So do I.

We got up and changed clothes we got in my car and I drove us back to Panama.

When we got there Mia was doing laundry and Jason was in his play pin when I opened the door he saw me and started smiling at me.

I'm home!

Good! Somebody missed you... Justin you're here too?

Uh yeah.. hi Mia.

I walked over and picked Jason up he couldn't take his eyes off of Justin though like he knew. Justin walked over to us and they just stared at each other till Jason reached for him which he only does to me or Mia it brought a tear to my eye. Justin took him without hesitating I could see a new and improved Justin already.

He remembers me?

He is your son.

He hugged him and I saw a tear escape his eye I wiped it away it took everything inside me not to cry, Justin wrapped me in his extra arm and Mia took a picture without me knowing she posted it on my instagram and captioned it Now this is one happy family.

Justin didn't let Jason out of his sight all that day even when he was taking a nap he would sit there and watch him.

I can't believe I let you guys walk out of my life.

Justin we're back. For good.

You mean it?

Forever and always.

I leaned over and kissed me I knew we were supposed to be a family ever since day one. Now my life is complete.

Author's Note: Yay story complete!!! Now question is should I do a squeal??? Comment what you think!

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