2: Figuring it Out

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“Shit,” I mumble under my breath and drag in my bag from outside the door. Michael and I quickly shove all the drugs in our bags along with anything that could be lead back to us. Taking a quick last glance around the room we head out the back, quietly and quickly. I grab a bottle of the expensive Vodka Drew bought the other night and run out back with the rest.

“We’re heading back to Jerrod’s house,” I whisper to Drew as we catch up to him. All 5 of us walk through the gate and we hear someone beat down the front door and yell something that sounds similar to ‘clear.’ Cutting through someone’s back yard we make it in a record time. I open the door, and walk in, back to the back room where we keep our own drugs.

“What the hell are you guys doing here?” Jerrod asks walking out of his room. I toss him the bag of K2 I bought and he catches it mumbling a ‘thanks’

“We just go raided. Someone turned us in and they just burst through the door,” Drew explains. Jerrod runs his hand through his brown hair frustrated.

“It’ll be fine, Jerrod,” I say stepping towards him.

“No it’s not! Malik is gonna flip shit once he finds out!” he yells, his fist driving into the drywall that has been repaired already five times.

“We got all the drugs out, they’re in the back. He doesn’t have anything to flip shit about, Jerrod,” I say. Michael and Drew have wondered off to the kitchen, knowing it’s the safest place. I’m the only one who can handle Jerrod when he’s pissed off. The first time I saw him like this he tried to swing at me and I put him in his place. Ever since then he’s had a lot more respect for me and he knows I don’t put up with shit now.

“I need to go count it then I’ll call him,” he says frustrated and we walk to the back room where I dropped off the bags.

“He sent extra again,” I inform him then pull the contents out on the table laying them out. He goes through counting all of them three times before accepting that all the bags are there.

“I have to head out though, client,” I tell him and grab the K2 and coke and he grabs my hand.

“You aren’t going out there, there are cops out around our block you can’t be out with that much on you,” he says and I sigh knowing I’ve already lost this battle.

To: X

From: Dree

Aye can’t come watch 90210 with you. Tomorrow xx

X is a client, told me his real name, but preferred being called X so that’s what I call him.

“As for you two,” Jerrod says walking out of the room shutting and locking the door, “You two are staying here for the next couple nights until I know it’s positively safe for you guys to be staying anywhere else. Someone text Bumper and tell him to come here instead,” He says

“Jerrod, no gang names, we have to call him Smith,” I remind him and he nods. So many gang names, I’ve figured it out after the 4 years, but in the beginning it was hard. Really hard.

“Oh and someone text Roxanne,” he walks into his bedroom, probably to call Malik. I really want to meet Malik, but at the same time I’m terrified of what might happen if I do. He doesn’t sound like the nicest guy in the world.

“I’ll call Roxanne, Drew you call Smith,” He nods and walks out of the rooms and I find Roxanne’s contact in my phone.

“Hey, Roxy,” I say into the phone when she picks up.

“Hey, Andria, what’s up?” I walk away from the kitchen because Drew is practically yelling into the phone.

“So, Drew’s place got hit and we’re at Jerrod’s right now. Jerrod told me to tell you to come over here and none of us are allowed to be runnin the streets tonight,” I tell her and she groans.

“Damn, who the hell turned us in? Don’t they know better?” She laughs and I laugh along with her.

“Yeah, I have no idea, but anyway, so you want me to come pick you up?” I ask

“Please,” she says we say our goodbyes then hang up.

“Jerrod!” I say knocking on his door.

“Excuse me for a moment, Malik,” he says calmly and he opens the door, his phone pressed to his chest.

“What?!” His whisper-yells

“I need my keys, I gotta go pick up Roxy,” he walks back over to his dresser and grabs my keys then hands them to me.


“So they just like burst in?” Roxy asks as we drive back to Jerrod’s house.

“Yeah, we were like hanging out, the music wasn’t even loud, and we had a few drinks and Waz-I mean Mikey and I were in the back I was giving him his supply and then we heard sirens. Mikey and I shoved everything in our bags and I grabbed a bottle of vodka and we ran to Jerrod’s and now we’re here,”

“Wait; so like did they see you?” She asks

“No, at least I don’t think so, I mean we got out of there pretty fast,” I admit pulling into Jerrod’s house.

“So what did Jerrod think?” She asks

“Well, he didn’t take it too good. He called Malik, dunno what he said to him, but probably isn’t good,” I say and she nods. We get out and walk up the stairs and open the door.

“Guys! I got Roxy with me!” I smile at them.

“Ayyeee, Mami!” Jerrod yells wrapping his arms around her in a tight hug. She’s called Mami because…well there’s no legit reason it just kinda happened one day.

“So when are we allowed to leave?” Mikey asks and Jerrod shrugs.

“When I hear there isn’t much of a sign of people around, oh and, Sully, you have a new client tomorrow at 10AM sharp you’ll meet him at Lobito’s on 5th. He never said what his name was, but promised he wasn’t a cop. He wants to be called Reflex though,” I nod at Jerrod, Sully is my street name. It happened after I accidently scared a little kid once and she cried for like an hour. Mikey’s street name is Wazowski because he’s like a little brother. We kinda went for a Monsters Inc. theme.

“New client, joy,” I mock walking into the back room,

10AM, great.


Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter. I'm really liking this book so far! I don't really have anything more to say...check the first chapter for street names and random refrenses that you might be confuse about. Anything else comment below:) xx 


xx _DatWriterChick xx

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