12: Admiting

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“Where you headed off to?” Drew asks Roxy as she walks out of the house in jeans, not normal attire for Roxy.

“Just out,” she shrugs opening the door and walking out, shutting the door loudly behind her. I look at Drew and we shrug simultaneously before turning our attention back to the telly, playing some random intense movie, I think it might be Abduction, but I have no idea.

“What are you doing tonight?” Drew asks interrupting Taylor Lautner. I shrug, obviously can’t tell him my plans of the night. He’ll go all second grader on me and go tell Jerrod my plans. God damn Jerrod, and Reflex, I see no problem with why I can’t hang out with Reflex, these rules need changed, because I can’t deal with this. Not seeing Reflex is probably the worst thing I’ve ever been told in my life.

I’m falling for him, I know it, and what is even worse is that I can’t stop it. I spent too long denying it and letting it slide that it just kept building and, now it’s like trying to take down a bear with a stick. Stupid bears.

“Adriana?” Drew asks waving a hand in front of my face

“Oh, yeah, sorry, um I don’t know I might go out for a bit get a drink or something then head back, just gonna hang out tonight” I shrug and turn my attention back to the telly.

“Not hanging out with Reflex?” He asks, I shake my head

“Nope, got banned from him, was spending too much non business related time with him” I shrug

“Really, Adriana?” He sighs shaking his head, “Learn from me, it’s not worth it, it’s not worth potentially losing your job for some fuck buddy,” he sighs

“But maybe he’s more than a fuck buddy,” I defend

“He isn’t, I went through this remember? I got suspended for two months; you got off with a warning! It’s not worth it, we need you, Adriana, don’t be stupid about this,” He stands up walking out of the room.

Maybe Reflex is just a fuck buddy. I mean, he could be, but then why would he have been so sweet all the time? Ugh, guys confuse me.


“Why did we have to meet in secret?” Reflex asks

“Jerrod said I can’t talk to you anymore,” I say to Reflex walking down the darkest, most dangerous alley there is. There are constantly beatings, murders and other stuff going on down this alley, but it was the only one we could figure to meet in without the worry of getting caught.

“Why?” He asks looking at me.

“He said you were bad news,” I shrug leaning up against the cool, concrete wall, watching as a couple homeless men walk past.

“Did we have to meet here?” Reflex laughs stepping closer to me. He leans up next to me.

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