7: Add A Tear

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“Where the hell have you been?!” Jerrod yells as I walk in the house, “They told me someone showed up and you left with them? What the hell was that? We called and texted you for like an hour and you never replied!” Jerrod yells.

“You’re not my parent, Jerrod!” I yell back at him, “I can do whatever the hell I want!” I walk past him and into my room.

“I would hate to be your parent anyway! They’re lucky they don’t have to deal with you anymore!” He yells to me. That’s my breaking point and he knows it, freaking everyone knows not to talk about my parents.

“Mommy!” I yell walking into my house, I’d just gotten home from school, “Mommy, where are you?” I ask looking in the kitchen where she usually would be to great me with a hug and a kiss, but I don’t know where she is.

“Daddy?” I yell no response. Maybe they are outside. I walk outside and look around our deck, nobody. I walk back inside and up the stairs setting my pink backpack down on my bed and then walk downstairs, my new drawing in hand. I drew a picture of my family today like Mrs. Reese told us to. She said to draw our family and write our favorite part about it. I drew me, Daddy, and Mommy and said ‘My favorite part is that we all love each other’

I grab some snacks out of the drawer, opening them and continue walking around the house trying to find them. Maybe they’re in their bedroom. I walk down the hallway to their bedroom and knock. They always told me to knock before I went into anyone’s house or bedroom because it’s rude if I don’t. They don’t answer so I decide to just open it.

“Mommy?” I say opening the door a little bit. Maybe she’s sleeping, but I’m really hungry and I want food. I open it further

“MOMMY! DADDY!” I yell. They were lying on the floor, dead, lying in a pool of their own blood. They died.

I put the pipe to my lips, lighting the bowl and inhaling the smoke and holding it then letting it go. I know I have tears staining my cheeks, and black makeup smearing everywhere. I need something stronger, something better than this. I change into skinny jeans and a black hoodie, putting my hair in a bun then grabbing money and walking out of the house un-noticed. It’s only 3 in the afternoon and I’m already heading down there. Interesting. I walk the familiar alleyways and arrive at the place I was looking for. Sammy’s Bar, I open up the door, greeted by the familiar smell of smoke and alcohol.

“Adriana! Haven’t seen you here for a while!” Adam smiles from behind the bar.

“Yeah, yeah, jack and coke,” I say sitting down in my usual corner spot by the bar. Sammy’s was pretty empty, as it usually is. Only old men sitting in the corner, and heartbroken young guys siting elsewhere, “Make it a double,” I say to him and he nods, mixing my drink. He brings it back over and slides it to me. I pick it up, putting it to my lips and throwing my head back, the alcohol burning my throat as I swallow.

“I need something really strong, Adam, I need to get drunk,” I tell him and he nods.

“I got the perfect thing for ya,” he tells me and I nod drinking some of the jack.

“What’s a girl like you doing here?” Someone asks as they sit down, I don’t look over at them just take another drink.

“I’m here because I want to be here, now screw off,” I tip my head all the way back, and finish off the last drop or it

“Feisty,” he remarks sliding his nasty hand over towards mine. I grab his wrist and slide it back to him.

“Stop,” I say sternly and he doesn’t his hand slides up my arm and just when I get the chance. I reach over, my fist colliding with his nose, “Now, stop,” I say and he nods. That wasn’t even my hardest, and he’s probably crying. He walks away and Adam brings back my drinks.

“I’m on break, what’s going on, Adriana?” He asks and I shrug.

“Stop it, don’t shut me out,” He says and I shrug again.

“Fine, who do I have to call? Mikey?” He asks and I shake my head.

“I just wanted to come here get drunk and stumble home! Is that too much to ask?” I ask and he nods

“I can cut you off, tell me what’s going on,”

“Actually you can’t cut me off without good reason, and saying that I won’t tell you what’s going on isn’t a good reason,” I tell him and he nods.

“Fine,” he walks away and press the all too familiar glass to my lips, drinking down the liquid.


Maybe I do get drunk too often.

Maybe I do smoke too much

Maybe I need to stop

Maybe I should go back to school, get a degree

Maybe I should get a job

Or maybe I should stop thinking about this.

I like the last option, I stand up from the bar stool where I’ve been for the past two hours, downing drink after drink. I toss money at Adam and he shakes his head, disapprovingly at me and I shrug stumbling toward the door. I push it open, and am greeted by the cold Bradford air, this is a good reason to hate Bradford, and it’s always too damn cold. I only have winter wear, nothing to wear in case it’s hot. Which it never is, I walk the way home, avoiding alleyways and walking main roads.

“Sully!” I hear someone yell, but I’m too damn drunk to give two fucks much less one.

“Sully! Stop!” My foot catches the back of my heel and I trip, but catch myself before plummeting to the ground.

Someone grips my wrist and pulls me back, I stumble into the persons arms who I immedialty recognize as Mikey’s

“Get off of me, Mikey!” I yell pushing him away.

“You’re done pushing us away, c’mon,” he wraps his arm around my waist and I’m too drunk to care. We walk home, silently, occasionally tripping, mumbling curse words until we reach the front door. Mikey opens it and let’s go of me, I’m forced to steady myself and I walk in the dreadful house.

“Reflex, what are you doing here?” I slur

“He called me,” Reflex says, his voice rough and low sounding murderous and scary.

“Why would you call him?” I slur turning to look at Mikey

“Because you getting drunk every night isn’t healthy,” Reflex answers for him. And I shrug

“Neither is pushing me to the point of wanting to, now I’ll be back,” I turn around and walk out the door again, this time; nobody is chasing me as I walk down the familiar street to the tattoo shop. I need another one, something new needs to be added to my body. I’ve sobered up a bit so I know I’m okay to get this.

“What can I do you for?” Robin asks as I walk into his shop not looking up from his drawing.

“Oh hey, Adriana,” he smiles, I smile back, “What do you want today?” He asks. I walk past him and sit in the chair that he always puts me in. I lift up my jeans exposing my ankle

“Add a tear, Robin,”


Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter, so I've introduced two new characters in this chapter

Robin will probably be showing up more than Adam, but they both will show up a good amount of times. Just because of their roles.


xx _DatWriterChick xx

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