9: As Were Hearts

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“Do you even realize how much trouble you could’ve gotten in?” Jerrod asks, more calm than I thought he would. I shake my head. In all honesty, I knew what I was risking; I knew what could’ve happened. I knew it all, but I chose not to admit that.

“You had drugs on you didn’t you?” He asks. I nod, “If Malik found out you could’ve been hammered. Dead, Adriana, dead.” I sigh knowing that’s true. I watch Reflex shift awkwardly in his seat then stand up.

“How bout, Adriana and I head back to my flat, we can all cool off, and then we’ll come back in the morning, and sort everything out, alright?” Reflex suggests. My drunken state has worn off a bit and honestly, I’m thinking a bit clearer.

“No,” Jerrod says and I shake my head.

“Nope, I’m leaving,” I say grabbing Reflex’s hand. He starts to pull back then relaxes.

“Adriana,” Jerrod starts and I shake my head.

“You can’t stop me anymore, Jerrod,” I say and he nods for once understanding. Don’t get me wrong, I love Jerrod, he’s like a brother and he’s an amazing boss, but I can’t stand the fact that he treats me, and the rest of the gang, like kids. We’re obviously old enough to be in a gang, I think I’m old enough to make my own decisions about that.

“Rule number one, La Ringla’s, Adriana, don’t forget it,” Jerrod growls, I watch Pepper slide over into his lap, quite sluttliy if I might add, and practically hump her on the couch. Reflex pulls my hand towards the door; I follow him as he drags me out of the house.

“God dammit,” I groan as he drags me down the stairs. I pull my hand back.

“You’re so stupid,” he mumbles pressing a button on his car keys, unlocking the Lamborghini.

“Yeah, I’m the stupid one,” I remark sarcastically rolling my eyes although it’s too dark to see.

“That’s why I said it,” he says. I walk towards the flashy car, Reflex reaches forward, opening the door and gesturing me to get in. I climb in the car, and sit. He jogs around to the other side and gets in.

“Buckle up,” he says buckling his own seatbelt. I twist in my seat to reach the seatbelt, my new ink rubbing against the seat. I hiss in pain and grab the seatbelt, buckling it.

“You okay?” Reflex asks roughly. I nod and shift, my back now not directly on the seat.

“Yeah, just hurts a bit,” I mumble. The engine purrs to life and he drives down slightly familiar roads that I barely remember from the last time I was here.

“First tattoo, Sully, what are you going to get?” Drew asks as we get in his car. We were on our way to get my first tattoo. I’d been thinking about it for a while, and now it was finally time.

“Dandelion,” I say simply

“Pretty girly, don’t ya think?” He asks I shrug. We pull into the parking lot of a trashy looking store.

“Tattoos, Piercings and more!” read the bright neon sign flashing in the window.

“Sully, calm down, it’s gonna be fine. It doesn’t hurt that bad,” he says smirking. It will hurt and I know it. We walk into the parlor, a smell of rubbing alcohol; sterilizing tools and smoke suffocate me.

“Hey, Drew!” The man behind the counter calls. I stand there awkwardly and Drew walks towards him, giving him a ‘bro-hug’


“And it’s done,” The man, whose name I learned, Robin, says patting my leg gently. I look down at my right side, a dandelion it’s on my hip.

“Here look in the mirror,” he says sticking out a hand, I took it standing up from the uncomfortable bench I’d been laying on for the past 45 minutes. I wince slightly and walk to the full length mirror, turning to the side and looking at it. The dandelion falling apart, turning into birds and flying away across my stomach.

“It’s gorgeous,” I smile turning around to face Robin and Drew

“Looks good, mate,” Drew says patting Robin’s back. Robin pulls off his rubber gloves and smiles. I hand him money and walk out of the shop.

“Is there a meaning behind it?” Drew asks as we step out into the cool Bradford air.

“If I start falling apart, I don’t want to give up and just fade away; I want to become a bird and fly,”

“Adriana, we’re here,” Reflex says tapping my shoulder.

“Oh, right,” I mumble unbuckling my seatbelt. I reach towards the door handle, just as Reflex opens it for me.

“You don’t have to open doors for me,” I tell him. He smirks and shrugs

“I like doing it, makes me feel useful,” he shrugs and grabs my hand. I pull back from him, pulling my hand away from his causing him to turn and shoot daggers at me. He sees that I’m not going to give in and huffs walking towards the flat door.

“After you,” He mumbles barely loud enough for me to hear. I mumble back a thank you and walk into the flat. The same brown walls I remember, simple artwork. Not too over the top, not too little.

“Are you hungry?” He asks.

“Kind of,” I mumble standing by his door. I fold my arms over my chest and stand there.

“Can I see your tattoo?” He asks pressing his hand to my back

“Don’t touch me, and you can see it,” I say. I watch his eyes turn dark, his jaw clenches and his fists ball up at his sides. He closes his eyes and mumbles something unintelligible and then opens them again. His jaw slightly unclenched, he’s less tense. I turn my back to him and pull my shirt up, the cellophane crinkles as it makes contact with my shirt. He rubs his hand over it and I wince.

“What part of don’t touch me didn’t you understand?” I turn around, pulling my shirt back down. He shoves me into the wall, one hand holding my wrists above me, his other hand on my waist. His eyes look into mine intensely. His lips only centimeters apart, I can smell his minty breath, and hear his breathing it’s so quiet. His lips move closer to my own, pressing them against mine, in a forceful kiss. His lips mesh against mine, and as soon as I thought he was going to continue, he pulled back.

“I’ve wanted that for a while,” he whispers

“I have, but I can’t,”

“Why can’t you just have what you want?”

“Because there are people to stop me, I can’t do what I want”

“Rule number one, don’t mix business and pleasure,” he says closing his eyes again.

“How do you know that?” I ask

“I’m involved more than you think I am,”

“Rules were meant to be broken,”

“As were hearts,”


Hey guys! I hope you guys liked this chapter! I really liked writing it. So Adriana/Sully and Reflex need a ship name! Soo maybe Refiana...Sulflex...Adrilex gosh these all suck I need help guys! So comment below if you have any ideas!

Holy crap guys, I have a team meeting tomorrow at the local high school in one of the coaches class rooms cause they're a teacher too. Anyway, I've never been to a big school and holy crap this will be terrifying. I'm literally scared.

Anywho, updates won't be as frequent I have an F in Spanish so I have to get that up, so I need to do that, but I'll work it out.

Her tattoo is on the side--->

I actually want that tat

I LOVE YOU GUYS!!:) xx <3

xx _DatWriterChick

Illegal Love // Dark z.m // AUWhere stories live. Discover now