13: Secrets

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I smile up at Reflex, his fingers tucking a strand of hair behind my ear and he laughs.

“Why are you laughing?” I ask him smiling

“I just don’t understand how a girl like you would want a guy like me,” he smirks and shrugs, his hand rests on the back of my neck, and pulls me in closer, his lips pressed up against mine again.

“We should go walk somewhere,” he says smiling.

“Where?” I ask standing up from the wall. He takes my hand, intertwining our fingers for the first time.

“There’s somewhere special I want to show you, c’mon,” he starts walking ahead of me and I follow behind him, our hands still connected.

“What do you like about me?” he asks randomly

“You’re nice when you want to be, I never know what to expect around you, you’re hot, you’re cool with drinking and drugs and there isn’t much else I can say about you you’re pretty amazing, Reflex,” I shrug, “what do you like about me?” I ask listening carefully. He pauses, I’m guessing to think out his answer. He stops me at the end of the alley and faces me, his hand finding my waist the other one resting on my cheek stroking it softly.

“I like how your heart rate accelerates when I’m near you, how you blush when I don’t say anything. I like how you walk around half naked in my house not even realizing it, how your hair is always perfect, how you can always seem to put a smile on my face and how undeniably beautiful you are,” he presses a light kiss to my lips, “now let’s go!” he smiles and starts walking quicker, his long legs extending out a lot farther than my own.

“How much longer do we have?” I ask feeling like a whiny kid on their way to an amusement park for the first time.

“Just right up here,” he points across the dark road. He looks both ways and then crosses the small road nobody uses.

“What are we here for?” I ask and he shrugs

“I just- the view is beautiful,” he says stopping and sighing to himself. We look out above the town, only a little bit above it; we’re only on a hill we aren’t that far up.

“There’s not much of a view,” I laugh smiling to myself.

“Yes there is,” he comments looking towards me. I look at him and realize his cheesy pun. I smack his chest and laugh

“You’re so cheesy!” I exclaim laughing

“You like it though,” he smiles and I shake my head

“Nope!” I say. He then grabs my wrists, pinning them down above my head and we lay down on the cold grass. He straddles my hips and leans in closer to me; I can smell his minty breath.

“Now do you like it?” he growls into my ear nibbling on my earlobe. His lips find their way down my neck, finding my sweet spot at the base of my neck.

“Oh my god,” I moan.

“Mm, you do like it, hm?” he asks nibbling on my earlobe again

“Yeah,” I moan as his lips reattach to my neck.

“Good,” he says getting off of me, releasing my wrists. I sit up pull out my phone. 1:30

“I need to head back, I said I was going to just go get drinks with a friend, it’s been an hour and a half,” I sigh standing up. Reflex stands up after me and intertwines our fingers silently; we walk back to the alley silently.

“So is this the unromantic, ghetto way of me walking you to your doorstep?” He chuckles.

“Yes of course, now kiss me goodnight,” I tell him. He leans in attaching his lips to mine in a passionate kiss. He then pulls back

“Crap,” I hear someone mumble from the other end of the alley, then footsteps running off down the street.

“Go,” Reflex says, we both start following the mystery person, they take a right turn and we follow them down another alley, another turn, their hood has fallen down revealing a messy bun pulled up on the top of their head. We take another turn and end up in front of our house.

“Shit, shit, shit, I can’t be here!” Reflex says quickly, panic filling his eyes like a child who’s hand was just caught in the cookie jar an hour before dinner.

“Um, just hide over there!” I point to the side of the house; he gives a quick peck and turns to leave.

“Well, well, well, what do we have here? Trying to go behind my back, see your little boy toy? Hm?” Jerrod says walking down the stairs of the house

“He’s not a boy toy,” I say defending him. How dare he call him a boy toy! HE’s not anything close to that!

“Yeah, well whatever he is, he isn’t supposed to be here. And you aren’t supposed to be around him. You know, Adriana, I could call Malik; get you out of the gang. Or even…killed,” he says smirking; I feel my eyes widen; no I can’t die just because of Reflex? But the sad thing was, is that even right now, I knew I’d die for him. I’m pathetic. I’ve never been like this, never been weak and sissy like. I’ve been strong, and then Reflex comes into my life and flips it upside down. I’ve become this weak girl, someone I’ve never been.

“I-I’ll stop seeing him,” I say to Jerrod.

“What?!” Reflex yells stepping in front of me. I shake my head and step back, but he follows, as if we’re dancing the waltz, but I reject him and move away.

“Why?” He asks quietly, “We just spent all night together, talking and – Fuck! Dammit, Adriana, you lead me on!” he runs a hand through his hair frustrated, “I honestly believed you liked me, was I just a part of this game you were making up?”

“Oh I do love a show, Pepper, did you bring some popcorn and snacks?” Jerrod asks her laughing. She smiles at him and nods

“Of course I did,” she says disappearing into the house soon returning with popcorn and soda, that bitch.

“Wait!” I yell noticing Reflex was about to say something, “Why the hell was she following us?” I ask pointing to the curly haired bitch. She smirks

“Reflex,” she sing-songs, “I do believe you have something to explain to your friend,” she smiles again.

“Pepper, shut up,” Reflex growls shooting daggers in her direction, she shrugs and throws some popcorn in her mouth.

“Whatever, boss,” she smiles again

“Why is she calling you boss? What do you have to tell me? Reflex, what is going on?” I ask annoyed, all tables have flipped on to him. He has serious explaining to do.

“Yeah, Reflex, why is she calling you boss?” Jerrod smirks

“I haven’t been completely honest with you,” Reflex starts

“Yeah, I can see that,” I shake my head crossing my arms over my chest and staring up at him expectantly. The faint glow from the yellow street lights bright enough to barely see his face, covered in nervousness and fear, something I’ve never seen on his face.

“I’m Malik,”


Hey guys! Sorry for not updating in for a while, been busy! Well I don't have much to say, umm I love you guys! :) xx <3

xx _DatWriterChick xx

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