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Hey guys, sorry this isn't a chapter I just thought I should give you an explanation and talk to yall:) so here it goes:

So where have I been you might ask, well I have been SUPER busy, honestly. I've had softball practice 5 days a week and on the weekends sometimes a game, and if I don' have a game on the weekends then I'm obviously catching up on sleep and homework, so that explains where I've been.

Moving along quickly, I am so so sorry I've been gone for so long, it's been about a month and I've just been on to like read a couple times. [I'm so behind on my books its pathetic] but I am back now, and tomorrow is my LAST double header:( and it's sort of bitter sweet. I'm happy its over, but at the same time will miss all of the girls. They're like a family and it's sad to have that gone, because there will probably be about five moving up to Varsity next year, anywho not like that really matters and it's not really the reason I'm writing all of this.

Now, as for where my books lie, I will be finishing Illegal Love and Runner then I may retire. I'm not positive yet, but it's seeming that way. If I come up with motivation and a summary and cover and all that snazzy stuff. I do have a slight plot based off of a few things but I'm not quite sure yet. I'll be talking to my consultant [AKA: copercurlz] and we will see where it will go from there. But as of now, after I finish the two books I am retiring unless I figure out some stuff...so we'll see.

Now just me randomly talking, all the important stuff was above but if you want to listen to me just talk about some stuff that's happened while I've been gone, continue reading. Along with softball, I've also started a new TV show, Breaking Bad, and honestly it's probably one of the most well written shows I've seen. Along with a new TV show I've been sporting a new book called Looking For Alaska by John Green. Wow is it amazing. Lol well yeah idk I think that's all that I have to say so um I love you guys and I hope I haven't lost too many readers...I want to go through and apologize to every single one of my readers but I actually have no idea who reads my books...sooo yeah awk anyway I love y'all xx

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