5: Tonight, I Don't Care

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“Okay, what the hell were you doing?!” Reflex yells at me as he approaches me in the parking lot.

“What do you mean what the hell was I doing?!” I yell back. He runs his hand through his black hair and glares at me.

“You could’ve been raped!” He yells the couple that was walking past us, has now turned their drunken attention towards us.

“You think I don’t freaking know that?!”

“Get in the damn car,” he says pointing to the sleek black Lamborghini.

“Why in god’s name would I get in a car with you? You could rape me! Maybe I don’t want to leave yet,” I cross my arms over my chest and stand confidently.

“Get. In. The. Car.” His voice lowering, making him very intimidating, but it’s been worse.

“No,” I fire back at him. I can tell he’s trying to hold himself together, although I don’t know why.

“Get in the God dammed car, now Adriana,” he says using my real name that he didn’t know.

“How the hell do you know that?” I ask gasping

“I heard someone use it before, don’t mind that, just get in the car before I force you in,” he growls and I shake my head.

“I’m going to go get another drink,” I smirk walking away from him and towards the club door. I walk up to the bouncer and show him my wrist band that we got earlier then up the staircase to the VIP lounge.

“Where the hell were you?” Jerrod asks and I shrug.

“Ya know, just almost getting raped, the usual,” I roll my eyes and order rum and coke double again.

“You almost got raped?” Roxy gasps and I nod taking my drink from the same blonde girl from earlier. I tip it up, letting the liquid burn down my throat as I swallow.

“Who is this?” I ask just now noticing a girl sitting with Jerrod. She was wearing jean shorts that barely covered her butt and a tight black tank top with a leather jacket over it. Her brown air was really curly, almost obnoxiously curly.

“I’m Pepper, I just moved here from the states,” she explains. I roll my eyes.

“That explains your annoying accent,” I mumble loud enough for her to hear, “I’m Adriana, but I go by Sully in the streets and Dree or Adi anywhere else,” I say and she nods

“Call me Cece in the streets, Pepper anywhere else,” she says and I nod.

“Who’s doing shots with me?” I ask. Drew, Roxy and Mikey all volunteer, but Bitch and Jerrod stay behind sucking each other’s face.

“Where were you anyway?” Drew asks as we walk down the stairs.

“I wasn’t lying, I did almost get raped, then Reflex showed up and tried to get me to leave with him,” I explain.

“Why the hell was Reflex here?” Roxy asks and I shrug

“Dunno, but he was scary as hell,” I laugh; Drew goes and gets us 3 rounds of shots and has someone bring them to us.

“Adriana!” I hear someone yell from close behind me, I turn around and Reflex is behind me.

“God dammit,” I mumble picking up the shot and tipping my head back, letting the liquid burn my throat on its way down

“Who is this?” Roxy asks and I sigh.

“Roxy, Risky and Wazowski, this is Reflex,” I introduce those using street names, knowing they don’t want their real name out there.

“So this is the guy who almost raped you?” Drew asks

“Hell no, I was the one who saved her from the rapist!” Reflex protests. I shrug finishing off my other two shots.

“I think we need a shot contest,” Drew winks at me and I nod.

“Can I join?” Reflex asks pulling up a chair to our table. Looks like he invited himself anyway.

“We want 60 shots over here!” Drew yells at the guy across the bar.

“15 each?” Reflex asks

“What you too pussy?” I scoff and he shakes his head

“Hell no, I bet you a blunt I can finish them off and do a line of coke before all you guys,” he boasts and I shake my head

“You’re on,” I shake his hand and he lines up his line of coke getting a straw ready for him to lose. HE passes the bag off to me and by the time our shots get here we all have 15 sitting in front of us, along with a line of coke.

“Can you count down for us?” I ask the blonde politely and she nods

“3……2……1……Go!” She says. I take two shots in my hand, tipping both of them back and letting the liquid of both shots fill my throat as it burns. I grab the next to, tossing them both in my mouth and drinking them. I glance over at Reflex who has 5 down compared to my 4. I somehow fit three and toss them back, by now my throat am numbed to the burning sensation. I finish them off and look at Reflex who is taking his last two. Drew, Roxy and Mikey all taking their time, since apparently this was a competition between just me and Reflex. I grab my straw and stick part of it up my nose, and slowly inhale the line.

“DONE!” I scream wiping my eyes. I haven’t taken a line that fast in forever. Reflex finishes his line and coughs lightly. His eyes blood shot as I imagine mine are too.

“Dear, Lord, that was fast,” Mikey says from beside me and I laugh uncontrollably.

“Come dance with me,” Reflex slurs, he takes my hand leading me to the dance floor, he grabs my hips and I grind against him for a few songs until he pulls me back into his chest.

“Come home with me,” he whispers in my ear. I turn around and grab the tie he’s wearing pulling him closer to me. His lips brushing up against mine, my drunken side taking over my sober side and I maneuver my way through the crowd that has decreased slightly. I follow him out to his car and get in, not even paying attention to the fact that I’m breaking one of La Ringla’s biggest rules. Never mix business and pleasure, well, tonight, I don’t care.   

Hey guys! There's another chapter, the action is building up and it's only chapter 4! Wowww!

I seriously have nothing to say recently...ermm lets see, I'll tell you this random thing that happened earlier. Sooo earlier I was writing my novel for school [That I might post when it's all written idk] anywho and I normally suck at rhymes, but I actually got one and I was so proud of myself! :D

Anyway, I LOVE YOU GUYS:) xx <3

xx _DatWriterChick xx

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