11: Day and Night

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Last night I let the party get the best of me, wakin up in the mornin, two hoes lying next to me, plus I heard an officer arrested me.

The sound of Wiz Khalifa’s No Sleep wakes me up, that’s almost true, except there was no party, and hoes aren’t layin next to me, just Reflex, and I didn’t hear an officer arrested me, and if they did well damn. I find my phone on the floor, and pick it up, answering my phone, cutting off Wiz Khalifa

“Ello?” I ask into the phone, not paying attention to who it was.

“Where are you?” I immediately recognize the voice of Roxy on the other side of the phone.

“With Reflex, why?” I stand up from the bed, trying not to wake up Reflex, but hell I really don’t care. My head is throbbing, my eyes are dry and my nose burns like a mother effer.

“Did you even hear what I just said?” Roxy asks I sigh walking out to Reflex’s kitchen

“No, sorry, Rox, I have the worst damn hangover. I haven’t been that faded for so long, Rox, can I call you after I get some like Advil or some shit?” I ask I hear her sigh annoyed and I roll my eyes

“Yeah whatever, bye,” I mumble a bye and grab a glass and fill it up with water hoping it’ll help with the hangover. I look out to his living room, seeing the bongs still sitting out. Why the hell not? I finish off my water and walk out to them; I grab the torch liter from last night-well earlier this morning. Whatever. I pick up the bong, stuffing the ground up pot in the bowl. I put the pipe to my lips, lighting the bowl and taking a hit then setting it down coughing, damn too early to take a hit without coughing.

“You really do look sexy while you smoke,” Reflex says from the doorway. I smirk at him; he’s shirtless wearing just boxers

“You look pretty hot too,” I smile lightly remembering me telling him how hot he looked. I laugh at the memory.

“Let’s go to breakfast,” he says suddenly. I look up from the bong after taking another hit

“I have nothing to wear,” I say laughing and he shrugs

“You have jeans and a sweatshirt, just wear my shirt,” he says and I shrug. Why not?

“Do you have eye drops?” I ask, Reflex gives me a questioning look and I laugh walking past him and into the bathroom. I walk in, looking in the mirror, my makeup smeared everywhere. It looks like I did it in the dark, as a toddler.

“Reflex!” I yell down the hallway, he starts walking down the hallway, shirtless, abs and v-line perfectly on display.

“Staring isn’t polite,” he smirks now standing in front of me. I feel myself blush and look down at my feet.

“What did you need, Adi?” He asks. I look up at him and smile

“I need a towel,” I tell him and he nods

“You gonna fix that situation on your face?” He laughs and I smack his shoulder laughing along with him.

“Take it back!” I yell laughing

“Make me,” he smirks stepping closer to me, I step back, running into the door, his hands on either side of me. He leans forward, our noses almost brushing, and our lips only centimeters apart.

“Reflex,” I whisper

“What do you want?” He asks, almost growling, he’s obviously the dominate one, “I said, what do you want?” He asks, his eyes darkening the same way they did at the club that night I almost got raped

“Kiss me,” within seconds his lips are on mine, and this time it’s not a drunken mistake, it’s not a cross faded regret. It’s a full on sober want of a kiss.

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